Dare to Be Yourself

by Peter Shepherd - 

Your every thought and word is contributing to your life experience. 

Your thoughts produce your emotions which, in turn, result in how you feel about a particular event occurring in your life.

This is why two people can look at the exact same event and have opposite feelings about it. You are creating your own subjective reality, moment by moment, with the thoughts you choose to think and what you say, both to yourself and others.

Through the power of Spirit your subjective reality impinges on the physical reality.

It isn't so much a 'magical' process as a way of being that is quite foreign to most people. 

The average guy just does not realize that he can change his actions, feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and identity. Instead they are perceived as the result of influences upon him, so he feels molded and in effect, with few choices.

Life just happens to him, and it's all other people's fault. The truth - that he is responsible for the quality of his life - is, in that context, a revelation. Because if he's responsible, then he can change things around.

Current events have demonstrated a tremendous desire on the behalf of perhaps the majority of people in the world for peace in their lives.

They are no longer satisfied with the mentality of political conflict, which endangers economic progress and human rights and freedoms. But most importantly, I feel that many people are now aware that if we want peace in the world, first we need to make peace with our own lives.

It's human nature that needs to change, and we are capable of making such a transformation.

Our experience in the world reflects our inner state - yes, this is a kind of magic but that is the reality, the world is miraculous. 

I have seen so much evidence of this when I - or a student or client - have made a genuine shift in our belief system that resolves an inner conflict, then very soon our real-world circumstances change accordingly.

We mirror our internal state - our resistance/fear and acceptance/love - in our personal life experience. As a group we mirror our consciousness in world events.

It is our personal responsibility to become aware of our contribution to the group consciousness, to help create a world with more opportunities for ourselves and our loved ones - which ultimately means for everyone.

So what wars do we wage inside? 

The purposes and goals that we hold dearly - some we may have brought into this life or felt most strongly as a child or young person - are often compromised in the face of problems that we discover in trying to achieve them, and we may forget about them (actually suppress them) and opt for safer solutions.

Playing the safe game is a sad conflict with the game we really (still) want to play. 

We have become someone else, a substitute for our true self.

Reinforcing this position are the attachments we have come to cling on to, the fears we may have of losing control of our safe space, the resistance we feel against elements of change, and the judgments we make that prevent acceptance of what is.

Before we can contribute through our consciousness toward peace in the world, we need to make peace with ourselves. 

Before we can love others unconditionally, we need to be able to genuinely love ourselves. Before we can forgive and cease making judgments of others, we need to learn how to forgive ourselves and warmly accept ourselves just as we are.

Self-forgiveness recaptures the energy that you were giving away in guilt and resistance against the past. 

It frees you to be yourself again - a new, happier and wiser you. If we can forgive ourselves, then we can more easily forgive others.

If we don't feel able to forgive others, then we clearly haven't learned to love ourselves. And the irony is, when we do truly love ourselves, we and others will not even need any forgiveness because we are able to accept the past, present, and future as it is, without judgment. Our creation.

Discrimination - of good/bad, right/wrong, ugly/beautiful - is not part of the vocabulary of love.

I feel a positive approach is the way to go. 

An approach to life empowered by the love that is the nature of our being, and is effective in creating peace and happiness.

The alternative - applying resistance, judgment, antagonism and hatred - is to be ruled by fear, which is to deny one's essence, and has the effect of empowering that which one opposes.

To better our position, to be able to open up our space and express our true desires, we first need to come to terms with our situation. 

Our true nature is an expression of love and that is the quality that we need first to rediscover in our consciousness. 

Remember, there's no beauty that you could perceive or create if it weren't already within you.

1 comment:

  1. "There's no beauty that you could perceive or create if it weren't already within you."vlogs atin b

    Right on. And John and Paul sang, "And in the end - the love you take - is equal to the love you make."

    Marvin blogs at Free Spirit:
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