Foundations of the New Reality

by Cathy Olsen - 

As you stand at the edge of transformation, we ask you to connect even more fully to Spirit and to the universal helpers who would aid your world in releasing all that is not in alignment with the creation of the new reality. 

As the old structures continue to give way in economic, political, religious and cultural realms know that it is with great joy that we stand in witness to the remarkable shifts we see taking place in human consciousness.

For external change comes about only after such changes have become rooted in the minds and hearts of individuals. 

Transformation is an inside-out process.

Your Attention 

Though the state of your world may appear to be unchanging or on a downhill decline, know that there is tremendous change happening within the hearts of individuals which will eventually tip the scales, until you begin to see outwardly what has been created within. 

Know that where you place your attention; where you hold your attention is of great import in these times.

For the combined energies of like-minded thoughts move to strengthen or weaken the grid of light which now surrounds your dear planet.

The vibrations which you put in to play on a daily basis become the foundations of the world to come. So we ask you to be conscious of the thoughts you think and the words you speak in each new moment.

The New Dawn 

Remember as well that all is not as it seems. From our perspective we see cities of light forming beneath the fissured foundations of the world you have come to accept as your reality and as outmoded foundations crumble, the new will rise into place like the first rays of the new dawn. 

The old must and will make way for the new. 

We ask you not to hold your attention on that which is receding but look to that which is forming in its place. For what we behold from our perspective is a cause for great rejoicing in the heavens.


Know that all is well as in the Grand Design. Align yourselves with Divine Will and become the teacher, healers and wayshowers of the new world.

Your time has come. Step firmly upon the path before you even as you cannot see clearly where it will lead. 

You yourselves determine the path with each new step you take.

You are creating the new reality with your forward momentum. Hold to the faith that is yours. Do not despair at what you see around you.

Move in Rhythmic Flow 

Feel the energies of her expansion and allow yourself to move in rhythmic flow along with her. Do not resist the energies that are upon you, for they are here to support you as well.

Open to what is to come; knowing in your heart of hearts that the long awaited time is now. 

You stood in line to be present in this Now Moment upon your planet. Embrace it as a gift of love which will move you toward all that you have been seeking for eons of time.

Let go of fears and expectations and open to the miracles that await you. Your time has come. Rejoice and be glad!

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