2012 and Beyond

by Chris Bourne -

Beginning of the end or end of the beginning?

Increasingly people are asking about our views on the prophecies of 2012. What's going to happen? How will our lives change? Is the world going to come to an end? Here at Openhand we don't see ourselves as prophets. We all have the capacity to change and if we live our lives according to what we desire, expect or fear in the future, then our consciousness is increasingly removed from the only thing of value that we really possess - the moment of now. It is only by being fully present in the moment that we can truly effect or change things according to our intended destiny. The interesting paradox is that when we're being fully present, we unfold into multiple dimensions of reality; we gain access to a wider truth, one where the foundations of 2012 have already being laid. So what is really going on in our expanded reality?

Gaia shifts

There are many widely varying views as to what will happen in 2012 - that's because we each filter reality according to the degree of inner clarity we have. Some have more distorting filters than others - the key is to always process anything we read, hear or experience through our own minds and hearts. If something resonates, we'll simply feel it as truth. If this happens, there's no need to memorise or hold onto it as some kind of belief system, we will simply unfold that aspect of truth through everything we do. So I trust you will approach this article in a similar way. See what resonates with you, allow it to unfold a more complete version of your own truth. That said, let's continue...

From my perspective Gaia is undergoing a major shift in her own consciousness. She is a multi-dimensional, highly evolved being - much more so than ourselves - and is able to hold her consciousness through multiple dimensions. Currently she is undergoing an entirely natural evolutionary transition which will eventually shift the centre of her consciousness from the Third Dimensional Realm into the Fifth. Is this a prophecy you might ask? Well no actually - at least not in my truth. Consider it this way, Gaia has one foot in this plain of existence and one foot in the higher one. In the third dimension, where we are constrained by linear time, she is taking a step and that step is nearing completion - is it going to complete in 2012? Well that's what many awakening people are feeling (although I wouldn't wish to be held to an exact date!).

When she's completed the transition, she will continue to exist here and now in the third dimension for a given period of time but she will be a fifth dimensional Being. What's more, a new Earth - more appropriately a "Renewed Earth" will exist in the higher paradigm - it will be 5D Earth.

The Golden Age

Like the multitude of other creatures across the planet, we are being invited to reconnect with the natural flow of the universe and join her there in what many are describing as "The Golden Age". We do so by processing out our mental, emotional and karmic baggage (just as we've described in our book "Gateways of Light"...find out more). Metaphorically speaking, we have to heave over enough ballast in order to ride the thermals into the higher vibration. When we're freed from the karmic cycle of reincarnation to 3D Earth, then we take on a light body form of existence in the new paradigm. This is the intended evolution and next chapter in the Human story.

So around 2012 Gaia will likely complete this transition but the doorway won't close then as some are saying - at least not in my truth. To me in fact the opposite is true - the doorway will be fully open. This is a monumental shift in consciousness that's being invited for our whole planetary system (indeed our galaxy) and we are truly blessed to be here witnessing and taking part in it. However, there will also be increasing turbulence experienced here on 3D Earth both during and after the shift. This is because the lighter vibrational existence is separating from the heavier one which in turn creates a polarity; wherever you have polarity, you have potential energetic difference just like the poles on a battery - to move to the higher plain we actually have to release energy and that's exactly what Gaia is now doing (at the risk of pushing the environmentalist buttons, although humanity is certainly exacerbating the situation, Global Warming is also entirely natural!).

Turbulent Transition

So we're likely to witness an increase in natural disasters as her polarity changes - Earthquakes, Tornados, Tsunamis, drought, Forest Fires etc etc. We're also going to witness increasing metaphorical Tsumanis within our society such as the credit crunch. How is this linked to the shift? Well it's because of the separation of light from dark in this plain. Anything that is of lower consciousness - of lower truth - is being deeply questioned. To an increasing ascending group consciousness, an outdated system that consumes 10 times more energy than it gives out is simply unsustainable - archaic even - just like the dinosaurs! So to some, (those still attuning to the darkness) it may feel like the end of the world, but in truth, on a global sense, the transition will be a relatively gentle one as Gaia peels off an old skin and puts on a new one.

Of course those that currently control our society will likely use the increasing turbulence and dwindling energy (in this plain) as an excuse to gain greater control (even if they don't fully appreciate the reasons why its happening). They will point to the failing banking system, peak oil, increased terrorism, water and food shortages as a means to control people greater and greater. Some "prophets" are predicting the emergence of a New World Order similar to that foretold in George Orwell's 1984 - a Big Brother Society. It is clear to me that Opposing Consciousnes is indeed moving this way, however I don't believe they will be successful - they are already losing their grip on our evolving consciousness.

An Open Hand

So an open invitation - an openhand - is being extended to us all, to step across and join the Golden Age on 5D Earth. To get there is to process out our inner baggage - the consciousness that limits us. And Gaia is helping us greatly; she is gently but firmly coaxing us towards the higher truth. We're already seeing the shift effecting life all around us. Are our choices based on efforting, denial and fear...or are they based on surrenderedness, truth and love? As 2012 draws ever near, it's a question that's becoming increasingly central to every single choice we make.

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