Spiritual Evolution in the Technological World

by Dan Thomas -

The creative nature of the Human species is an astounding thing. 

I find it mind-boggling to try and think of everything that we have created. From cooking to concepts, from chemistry to communication, our daily lives are saturated with the vast variety of our creative expressions. 

Many of our creations are surly meritorious but should some of these pieces to the grand puzzle of reality be examined with more scrutiny? 
“The horrifying deterioration of the ethical conduct of people today stems from the mechanization and dehumanization of our lives; a disastrous by-product of the development of the scientific and technical mentality.” --Albert Einstein
How has this 24/7 existence of prolific material dominance affected us in terms not of technological evolution, but rather spiritual evolution, and what can we personally do about it?

I think the best way to begin answering these questions is to seek some understanding of the subject. There needs to be a deeper examination of the issue of technology in relation to our spiritual progression and movement forward on what conclusions we may then reach.

In the philosophical sense, what actually is all of this technology?

Mechanization and the technical mentality is a dominant force in our modern experience. It sometimes quite subtly acts to control every aspect that it can by having us place in it our trust, our labors, our enjoyment, and even our well-beings. It seems to have become integral, even essential to the very function of our lifetimes.

Our very gauges of what is “primitive” or what is “advanced” is often based not on any spiritual or moral quality but rather on external complexities and an item’s ability to act in our stead.

Televisions tell us what is “truth” so why use our own minds . . . chemicals tell our bodies what is “good” so why should we doubt our sense of taste . . . and the “professionals” tell us not to bother because they’ve already done your thinking for you. 

The interferences to our emotional, mental and physical well-beings is staggering. Synthesized sustenance is fed to our minds and bodies and souls, and invisible walls made of everything from electromagnetics to economics attempt to block us at every turn. Over-reliance on technology has, in many negative ways, tamed us. 

Just as trammed animals lose some of their inherent abilities of self-sufficiency due to their providing and controlled environment, we too risk losing those traits inherent to us.

Chief among these traits, I believe, are not only the ethics that Einstein mentioned but also our psyches, our responsibilities, and our self-sovereignty over the choices we make . . . our free and individual wills.

Another way to examine what we create as technology is to see it as a reflection of who we are. 

Perhaps a classic example of this reflection is in computers to our minds . . . artificial intelligence and our own genuine intelligence. Starting with the introduction of computers our collective intelligence has rapidly come to rely more and more on the artificial, pushing the genuine farther and farther from use. 

Our image of who we are is often one that was provided, not just from what other people have told us, but what artificial intelligence has told us. This intelligence is artificial, in the reflected sense, because it is external and void of any personal intuition, spirit, or compassion . . . it is the “scientific and technical mentality”. 

That’s not to say that nobody but yourself has any answers, simply that sometimes the answers we are given should be questioned.

There is more to the function of life than just simply logic. We can not allow ourselves to become like the computers we make (like far too many people already have) so stop allowing yourself to be “programmed” like one. 

We are beings with emotion, soul and logic. 

Think about it. Instead of mastering computers, what might be if instead our efforts were for, say, mastering our compassion or wills or fears or our responsibility in what we create?

The good news here is that it is not too late to develop our “inner technologies”, just more difficult the further we become engulfed in the matrix of false and preconceived reality.

The start of this development has to do with cleansing ourselves of the fears and other emotions that stem from them, that keep us from facing the knowns and more so the unknowns of our true potential as spiritual beings. 

The locks we metaphorically make with the intentions of our security, convenience, and comforts can easily become the locks against our true progression if the key of understanding is as lost as the key to our cars.

The vehicles of our experience can no sooner run without the keys than the vehicles in our driveways. The key . . . the understanding . . . is seeing beyond the blocks which prevent us from truly looking inward. 

Free yourself from distractions, as much as practical and start exercising your mind. 


Use visualizations and affirmations or whatever other method feels right for you to connect to that higher source that is free of ego and automated reactions.

Practice compassion, monitor your thoughts . . . there are many things you can do to cleanse your fears if you simply choose to have the determination to do so.

Life is far more than a machine, be it metal and gears or flesh and blood or the mechanisms of mind. Life and our spirits are an ever-shifting, flowing, and malleable experience that by very nature “breaks the rules” of any method or system that attempts to confine it. 

Our evolution calls us to turn off the television, turn on the ignition . . . start the motors running on who we really are and what we can make within ourselves. 

Have the will and honesty and bravery to drive the roads of possibility, the internal unknowns and the qualities of our “inner techs”.

Our potential as human beings is not so much what is outside but rather what is inside, same as a person’s reflection in a mirror is not the person himself.

Reach for your true potential and rest assured, we really will go places far more interesting and valuable than any technological world could take us!

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