Energy Work Techniques

by Ayal Hurst - 

Clearing the chakras is a very important way to stay healthy and in balance. 

Here's how to clear your chakras, through color healing. 

You sit down each day for perhaps 15 minutes, in a quiet space, with eyes closed, sit quietly in prayer or meditation, breathing slowly and deeply until you are very calm and relaxed.

When you are relaxed, beginning at the base of your spine, at the tailbone, you visualize a beautiful, glowing, fire-engine red light filling up that area.

You ask with each chakra that it be restored 100% to perfect health, form, and functioning - that whatever needs to be restored, be restored and whatever needs to be corrected, be corrected.

Then you move up the body and visualize a beautiful orange light at your reproductive area. Then, moving up the body, see a bright yellow light at the navel area.

Remember, as you do this, you also ask silently that each area you are visualizing be cleared and brought back to perfect health and functioning. Then you move up to the heart and visualize a glowing green light there - emerald green.

Then on up to the throat, where you clear that area by seeing a beautiful sky blue light. Then up to the brow, where you see a glowing indigo light. Then to the crown of the head, where you see a beautiful violet light.

Even if you are not adept at being visual or seeing these colors, just by saying to yourself that that color is there, it will begin to work for you.

To finish, surround yourself with a beautiful, glowing white light, and see it totally filling you up from head to toe as well.

There are actually minor chakras (light intersection points or energy vortexes) in the body as well, besides the above-mentioned main ones - 144 to be exact - and what I do with them is simply ask that they all be lit up with white light, sort of imagining myself like a bright starry sky or a lit up Christmas tree.

This will help immensely to get you back in balance. 

For your rational mind, here is the analogy: we are made of light, we are electrical frequencies, as physics will tell us and just as the light spectrum has different frequencies which create different colors, depending on the speed of their vibration, red being the slowest and violet the fastest vibrational frequency, we too have different wavelengths in our bodies that vibrate at varying frequencies and correlate to the light spectrum.

Caroline Myss, one of the great clairvoyant, intuitive healers of our time has a wonderful, inspiring and fascinating book out called 'Anatomy of the Spirit', that goes into a profound explanation of the chakras and what we are dealing with in each one.

Ever wonder why people are so enthralled with, mesmerized by and love rainbows? 

It is because we are, ourselves, in effect, a rainbow. We somehow know that, and seeing one resonates deep within us with awe and joy, and reminds us of our Divine nature.

We are a spectrum of light with different frequencies vibrating within us.

Each frequency corresponds to a different level of conscious development, beginning with red, our roots, our family, our tribe of origin, up to violet and white light, which is higher spiritual thought, awareness, and communion with the Divine.

By keeping your chakras clear, you will become a more harmonious person and you will be much clearer, more able to incorporate and generate the higher awareness of peace, love, and joy from within you.

Sometimes the traumas of life cause a hole in your aura, the energy field around your body, that needs to be repaired. 

Here's how you do that: 

Stand with your arms upraised at a 60 degree angle each from the body, with fingers closed, thumbs out. Hold for one minute.

You can also accompany this with what is called the Breath of Fire. This is a very fast, non-stopping breath, through the nose, in and out as fast as you can. 

It's important not to do this breath too long to start with, as it is very powerful and you can get very woozy or pass out if you do it too much.

So, start with it a bit at a time as you do this exercise until you can do it for a full minute. It is a deeply purifying breath and creates a fiery energy in the body. Make sure you drink a lot of water afterwards all day. I would suggest that you do this twice a day for 6 days.

1 comment:

  1. "Ever wonder why people are so enthralled with, mesmerized by, and love rainbows? It is because we are, ourselves, in effect, a rainbow. We somehow know that, and seeing one resonates deep within us with awe and joy, and reminds us of our Divine nature."

    Odd... I always thought we were inspired by rainbows because the Lord, the only one with a true "Divine nature," created them specifically as a reminder to us of His promise... it's a shame it's been given so many new meanings of late.
