Intuitive Awareness

by Owen Waters -

Recognize your spiritual nature. 

Know that you are a spiritual being living in a physical world. The real, immortal you is your inner being or soul consciousness. Several times each day, take a moment to turn your attention within and remember your true nature as a spiritual being.

Once you make a habit of looking within and focusing on your spiritual nature, you open up your awareness to the intuitive information that comes from your soul consciousness.

Intuitive insight is available to both men and women and, with it, you can achieve more than you had ever imagined possible.

Intuitive Reasoning 

The conscious, reasoning mind assesses a situation using the physical senses as well as past information. Intuitive reason is possible when you include intuitive information in the process.

Intuition comes from your inner, soul consciousness and it is tuned into the thoughts and energies that surround any situation. Intuition brings direct information on the nature of any situation.

With intuition, you know what will best work and when.

Intuition adds to your knowledge and understanding of a situation, allowing you to achieve objectives with greater ease and harmony than before. Intuition can warn you about danger ahead and reveal what hidden risks you can avoid in order to stay safe.

Intuition prompts you to take actions which will help you in ways that you had not been able to detect using the physical senses alone. It also puts you in touch with the natural flow of unfolding situations.

Effortless Action

There is a flow to events; a timing that, when understood, makes tasks much easier to achieve. 

The key to gaining this information is to tune into your inner, soul consciousness. This inner work need not be a one-way street of receiving inside information.

You can also take the initiative by using the principle of effortless action. Instead of trying to make something happen by the usual efforts of planning, willpower and determination, you begin by going within and seeing the action as accomplished.

When you begin by seeing the action as completed, something very different happens. The action doesn’t mysteriously become accomplished by magic or by non-effort, but you experience a state of flow which enables you to move through the task with ease, grace and incredible efficiency.

To invoke a state of flow, go within and attune with your inner being and the intended task. 

 Then, come out into the world of action and follow your intuitive guidance every step of the way until the task becomes physically completed.

This is how synchronicity happens and you will notice coincidences becoming commonplace in your life. People, ideas and resources all come together at the exact right time and in the right place because flow is an orchestration of the many, not just the one.

Like water finding the shortest and easiest path down a slope, your intuition will reveal the shortest and easiest route to the successful completion of any task.


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