De-Conditioning the Ego

by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee -

On the spiritual path one of the first processes you go through is a de-conditioning. In order to be awakened to your divine nature, you have to become free of the conditioning of the ego.

Unless you become de-conditioned, you’re going to find it very difficult to embrace the bigger spectrum of the Self or how to live according to its very different quality of consciousness. 

Once you’ve had a glimpse of your divine nature the idea of being competitive doesn’t function anymore. Instead you want to be supportive of other people. You want to be cooperative. 

It’s not because you’re a better person. It’s because you realize that’s how things are, how they are all one and interconnected—how nothing is separate. 

You awaken to a different way of being.

On the spiritual path one of the first processes you go through is a de-conditioning. In order to be awakened to your divine nature, you have to become free of the conditioning of the ego. 

Unless you become de-conditioned, you’re going to find it very difficult to embrace the bigger spectrum of the Self or how to live according to its very different quality of consciousness.

We’re surrounded by collective values that say you should be thinking of yourself, that what matters is the ego, how much money you can make or how many possessions you can have. 

On the spiritual path you learn how to live with less not because it’s better but because it’s easier—just to have what you need. 

People do not realize how their attention is taken up by their possessions, how it gives them less energy for life because everything you have or you accumulate carries a bit of your energy.

If you have a lot of possessions, then parts of your energy are caught in it all.

MacEnulty: I know. I recently moved to a smaller place. It was quite freeing to get rid of so much accumulated stuff.

Vaughan-Lee: You realize when you’re free of it, you have more space, you can breathe. 

They’ve now discovered scientifically that giving makes you happier than getting. 

These values you discover on the inner spiritual journey also belong to the whole. 

There is an ancient teaching of microcosm and macrocosm. What happens to the individual happens to the whole. 

We need to shift our consciousness from this very conditioned ego-centered “me” consciousness to an all-embracing “we” consciousness that includes not just humanity but the whole ecosystem — all the myriad living beings on the planet.

From the Interview with LLEWELLYN VAUGHAN -LEE; Get the E-book: HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN: An Interview 

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