by Ikechi Awazie -
You matter and you make a difference:
Have you ever thought about the reason why you matter? It seems the world is so big. There are more than 7 billion people on earth.So how can you stand out? What do you have to offer? What do you have to contribute that matters?
You are properly struggling with this emotional pain; self-doubt, insecurity, fear of not belonging, feeling puny and being insignificant. It is not your fault, and you most certainly are not alone.
We live in a society that enjoys picking on the minority or less worthy. Sadly, many of us are living among these minority groups where the color of one’s skin, gender inequality, religious background and other norms, seems to be the measure in which some groups are marginalized by a society that values one idea over the other.
Now the world might not acknowledge your worthiness;your family and friends may not adequately communicate the importance of your existence in their lives, and you might feel you have nothing that matters.
However, the truth is that YOU MATTER and from the bottom of my heart, here are the reasons why.
Being YOU is What Makes The Difference.
You are enough! Maybe you have no skills, no knowledge and no riches. Maybe you think that you are not good enough, smart enough, and not great or perfect at doing things. But no matter the number of permutations and combinations plus genetic experiments, there is no one that can be like YOU.
It is because you are valuable. You have an individual purpose that cannot be compared with others. As long as you stop comparing yourself to others; as long as you stop doubting your endowed abilities, you will see that you are the amazing creation blessed with amazing blend of unique gifts; above your self-imposed limitation.
It is because you are valuable. You have an individual purpose that cannot be compared with others. As long as you stop comparing yourself to others; as long as you stop doubting your endowed abilities, you will see that you are the amazing creation blessed with amazing blend of unique gifts; above your self-imposed limitation.
“No matter who you are, you can provide value. We each have an individual purpose. Always Believe in You.” --Brooke Griffin
You Have a Gift That Others Need
There are people who get their problems solved just because of you. If you did not exist, those people who need your help, would never be helped. Without your presence, those people, who would have made their lives better will lose this opportunity forever.
You do matter in ways you never imagined.You can throw more light on a situation that no one else can possibly provide. You cause a rippling effect just by giving a helping hand; just by taking a little action.
Your solution enables people to achieve a fulfilled life, and this spreads to their families and their entire generation until it becomes a legacy or philosophy.
Your solution enables people to achieve a fulfilled life, and this spreads to their families and their entire generation until it becomes a legacy or philosophy.
Now, some people may not like you; some people might even detest you, and that is ok because you truly cannot please everyone. However, those whom you have been called to make a difference and be of service will cherish your existence and your business.
“Never forget that you are one of a kind. Never forget that if there weren’t any need for you in all your uniqueness to be on this earth, you would not be here in the first place.
Never forget, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges and problems seem to be, that one person can make a difference in the world. In fact, it is always because of one person that all the changes that matter in the world come about. So be that one person.” --Buckminster Fuller
Your Voice Does Matter
Why would anyone decide to make the greatest impact in your life? Why would anyone want to provide you with guidance, direction, and coaching – to enable you to achieve your goals and biggest desires?
I will tell you why. It is because of their sincere belief in you. In words and action, they show you that you matter; they believe in your VOICE.
You do have a unique message and voice. This is what people know as a STORY. Yes! Everyone does have a story, including you. No one can tell your story better than you.
Your story has the power to make a difference, to build up courage, to leave a mark, to make people overcome their limitations and to make someone feel belonged.
The world is waiting for your life changing lessons. Your pain, conflict, heartache, and passion are challenges that can be turned into a life lesson and be shared with everyone. Do you know that there are people who are listening to you and you have caught their attention? Think about this.
The world is waiting for your life changing lessons. Your pain, conflict, heartache, and passion are challenges that can be turned into a life lesson and be shared with everyone. Do you know that there are people who are listening to you and you have caught their attention? Think about this.
“The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can.” --Neil Gaiman
Your Presence Automatically Liberates Others
You do not have to be on the center stage to make a difference. The reason is simple; There is somebody out there that is proud of you; thinking about you; cares about you; wants to talk to you; misses you; celebrates your success; wants to hug you; believes you are a blessing; admires your strength and courage; values your wisdom; treasures your spirit; can’t wait to see you; has faith in you and trusts you so much.
Your existence is a sparking light to so many people. There are people in your life that you inspire.
“There are people in your life that you inspire…People that see all your best qualities… People who want to be more like you… People who don’t understand how you can’t see all this yourself… Try seeing yourself as they do… See yourself for the amazing creation that you are…” --Simon Boylan
You are Influential
- Ever wondered what a football match would be without the fans.
- Ever wondered how a presidential speech would turn out without the people of the nation.
- Ever wondered what a cause would be without supporters.
- Ever wondered how celebrities would come to be without celebrators.
- Ever wondered how like-minded individuals would exist without YOU.
You are an influence, whether you believe it or not. You are the change because your small encounters do matter. The moments that you create are what make the world a better place.
As you teach others your passionate skill sets the goal. As you set a good example and show others positivity in a negative world. As you show others your determination and doggedness to success by taking advantage of failure.
As you let your light shine, you unconsciously give light to others to become thought provoking leaders, professional champions, peace makers, renewed activist, creative personalities, renowned business men, awesome mothers, wonderful fathers and revolutionaries.
Let’s not forget that you are also changing your world by applying your wisdom to tackle the world’s problems.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is only one that ever has.” --Margaret Mead.
You Can Make A Difference
Yes! You want to help; you have a cause that will benefit people. You might be an introvert; you might not have enough skill. You might not have the resources.
You may not have the charisma of leadership. You might not even know what you are doing, but there is something inside you that is so powerful.
You have an inner voice to propel you to action, which is the greatest currency in the world. It is this action that defines your impact. It is this action that makes you step away from the things you love, which gives you comfort and forges you towards giving support to humanity.
It is this action that enables you to make a difference and become an inspiration, even though your journey is full of uncertainties.
“Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference has never tried to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room.” --Christine Todd Whitman
The Most Powerful and Happiest Truth is That You Matter.
Now that you do know that you matter, never let anyone make you feel otherwise. I would like you to reach out to someone and let them know that they matter. Remember that a word is enough to make a difference.
About Author: Ikechi Awazie is a thought blogger, motivational writer, and a fan of change. His blog focuses on inspiring change, and provides personal developments tips. You can check his blog and download ‘The A to Z Guide to Success Consciousness’ for Free.
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