by Dr. Bernie Siegel -
Have you exercised your soul today?
If you’re like most of us, you might not be blamed for thinking, “Okay, after I take my child to school, plow through a 10-hour workday, pay the bills, throw together dinner, mow the lawn, do the bath-book-bedtime routine—then I’ll take the soul out for a little stroll.”
The truth is, that elusive entity called our soul does need regular attention. It is, after all, the part of us that enables us to live and love with enthusiasm, vigor and plain old joy. And soul-exercise doesn’t require formal meditation, regular church attendance or a two-week retreat at a monastery.
There are plenty of opportunities to improve the fitness of our soul in the course of a normal, ordinary day in your normal, ordinary life.
Soul work is not constrained by rigid schedules and hard and fast rules. But it does require introspection. It does require intention. It does require the courage to take that first step onto our soulful journey.
The goal here is helping one make soul “stronger, leaner, and more flexible. Below are a few quick, simple, to-the-point tips and exercises that can be worked into the most hectic of lifestyles.
The truth is, that elusive entity called our soul does need regular attention. It is, after all, the part of us that enables us to live and love with enthusiasm, vigor and plain old joy. And soul-exercise doesn’t require formal meditation, regular church attendance or a two-week retreat at a monastery.
There are plenty of opportunities to improve the fitness of our soul in the course of a normal, ordinary day in your normal, ordinary life.
Soul work is not constrained by rigid schedules and hard and fast rules. But it does require introspection. It does require intention. It does require the courage to take that first step onto our soulful journey.
The goal here is helping one make soul “stronger, leaner, and more flexible. Below are a few quick, simple, to-the-point tips and exercises that can be worked into the most hectic of lifestyles.

Admire your baby picture.
Find one of your baby pictures and a recent picture of yourself. Take some time to look at both photos and notice your attitudes toward them.
Most likely, your baby picture will elicit feelings of joy, and any feelings of shame will attach themselves to your adult photo. But what, besides time, is the difference between these two?
Carry your baby photo around with you, or display it where you work, and use it as a reminder anytime someone in your life brings up feelings of shame.
Most likely, your baby picture will elicit feelings of joy, and any feelings of shame will attach themselves to your adult photo. But what, besides time, is the difference between these two?
Carry your baby photo around with you, or display it where you work, and use it as a reminder anytime someone in your life brings up feelings of shame.

Pets make great playmates and will help bring out the child in you. Let your pet teach you how to loosen your inhibitions and restore your joy in living.
Animals live in the moment and can help us do the same, letting go of our fears and worries about tomorrow. Our pets know that worrying does not solve anything, while a tummy rub or nap can do a great deal.
Animals live in the moment and can help us do the same, letting go of our fears and worries about tomorrow. Our pets know that worrying does not solve anything, while a tummy rub or nap can do a great deal.

Keep a dream journal.
When you work with your dreams, you will find yourself becoming more aware in your waking life.
For at least a week, keep a dream journal. Before you go to sleep at night, ask a question for your subconscious to respond to; you could write that question on a slip of paper and place it under your pillow.
Keep your journal and a pencil at your bedside, and when you wake in the morning, or anytime you wake up, write down whatever dream or dreams you remember. The longer you pay attention to your dreams, the better you will be able to interpret them.
For at least a week, keep a dream journal. Before you go to sleep at night, ask a question for your subconscious to respond to; you could write that question on a slip of paper and place it under your pillow.
Keep your journal and a pencil at your bedside, and when you wake in the morning, or anytime you wake up, write down whatever dream or dreams you remember. The longer you pay attention to your dreams, the better you will be able to interpret them.

Altars have been used throughout history to create a tangible point of focus for prayer, meditation, and beauty.
Create one for your home or office, using objects that have significance to you. You might choose statues of symbolic or religious figures such as Wan Yin, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, or other mythical figures and goddesses.
Nothing that has meaning to you is inappropriate. Other options might be feathers, candles, bells, flowers, candy hearts, shells, cards, belongings and gifts from loved ones, or photographs. Spend time in front of the altar in prayer or meditation and allow answers and direction to come from the divine.
Create one for your home or office, using objects that have significance to you. You might choose statues of symbolic or religious figures such as Wan Yin, the Buddhist goddess of compassion, or other mythical figures and goddesses.
Nothing that has meaning to you is inappropriate. Other options might be feathers, candles, bells, flowers, candy hearts, shells, cards, belongings and gifts from loved ones, or photographs. Spend time in front of the altar in prayer or meditation and allow answers and direction to come from the divine.

Experience fear and embrace it.
Think of something you have always feared doing and do it. This could be something you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid to fail at—such as a sport like skiing or an activity like singing in public—or it could be something that addresses a phobia.
If you are afraid of heights, then sky dive, ride a roller coaster, or fly in a small plane. Once you’ve decided what it is you will do, first take the time to visualize yourself doing the event successfully and fearlessly.
Then put your plans in motion. Follow through and do it. Take a chance. Become a kid again, free of the inhibitions and fears imposed by adults.
If you are afraid of heights, then sky dive, ride a roller coaster, or fly in a small plane. Once you’ve decided what it is you will do, first take the time to visualize yourself doing the event successfully and fearlessly.
Then put your plans in motion. Follow through and do it. Take a chance. Become a kid again, free of the inhibitions and fears imposed by adults.

Get a camera and go for a walk in nature. See the beauty and take some awe-inspiring pictures.
Look down at the flowers, but also up at the sky, at the trees, at the ocean, and at the people and living things around you. They are like flowers, too.
Each of us is unique and beautiful in our own way, just as you are. You will find the more you look and photograph, the more you see, and the more beautiful the world becomes.
Look down at the flowers, but also up at the sky, at the trees, at the ocean, and at the people and living things around you. They are like flowers, too.
Each of us is unique and beautiful in our own way, just as you are. You will find the more you look and photograph, the more you see, and the more beautiful the world becomes.

Break out of your routine.
For a month, work a new set of muscles. Develop your abilities and make a point of doing things you normally would not do.
Play Frisbee, go bowling, or play outside with your dog. Find activities that give you pure enjoyment and the sensation of truly living. Even the smallest changes can begin to develop your capacities.
Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Shave or comb your hair in a different way. Enter and leave your house through a different door.
How many unthinking, tiny ruts have you gotten into? Altering these just a little can improve your skills and “balance”—which helps you become who you want to be in every area of life.
Play Frisbee, go bowling, or play outside with your dog. Find activities that give you pure enjoyment and the sensation of truly living. Even the smallest changes can begin to develop your capacities.
Brush your teeth with the opposite hand. Shave or comb your hair in a different way. Enter and leave your house through a different door.
How many unthinking, tiny ruts have you gotten into? Altering these just a little can improve your skills and “balance”—which helps you become who you want to be in every area of life.
Simple as such suggestions may seem, when done regularly and mindfully they can shift the way you think about the world and your place in it. They can help you start feeling like a human being rather than a stressed out “human doing.”
In the same way that a daily walk transforms your body over time, these “divine workouts” will change your life—before you even realize it has happened.
Before you know it you will begin to notice how your life has taken on more meaning and how much better you feel.
The change may be small at first, but as we improve ourselves, we make an increasing difference in both our individual lives and the world.
The greater our desire and intention and the more we practice, the greater the results. We can make a positive difference in the world by what we choose to do.
Before you know it you will begin to notice how your life has taken on more meaning and how much better you feel.
The change may be small at first, but as we improve ourselves, we make an increasing difference in both our individual lives and the world.
The greater our desire and intention and the more we practice, the greater the results. We can make a positive difference in the world by what we choose to do.

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