by John Elliott -
Do you have problems in your life? Business problems, Financial problems, health problems, Relationship problems? Or any other kind of problems? If you do, here's my simple three-step formula for completely eliminating them from your life:
Step #1
Completely eliminate the word "problem" from your vocabulary.
The first step to completely eliminating problems from your life is to completely eliminate the word "problem" from your vocabulary.
The "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" defines the word problem as: "A thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand."
Thus, by its very definition, the word problem implies difficulty and, more often than not, is accompanied by all sorts of destructive emotions. Rather than call something a "problem", why not call it what it really is... A situation.
The "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" defines the word situation as: "All the circumstances and things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place."
That's exactly what a problem really is, isn't it?
A so-called problem is nothing more or less than a given set of circumstances and things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place. What makes a situation a "problem" is the difficulty you assign to it. In other words, a problem isn't really a problem... It's a situation.
You make a situation a problem by how you label it! By simply re-labeling a problem as a situation and 'meaning' it, you remove the difficulty and destructive emotions associated with it and put yourself in the necessary state of mind to constructively deal with it. Once you've reduced a problem to what it really is - Just another situation in your life, You're ready for...
Step #2
Forget it. Don't talk about the situation, don't think about the situation... Forget it!
After lots of studying the writings of Wallace D. Wattles, I'm pretty much convinced "forget it" was Wallace D. Wattles' favourite phrase.
Throughout his writings, it's his answer to practically everything that "ails" you. In an article he wrote, titled "Talk That Builds Health", Wallace D. Wattles explains why: "When you forget it, it will be gone." That's exactly what happens too.
It's absolutely incredible just how much "stuff" in my life cleaned itself up or disappeared completely simply because I "forgot it".
Now... "Forget it" is easier said than done, isn't it? Trying to forget something is a bit like trying not to think about pink elephants, the more you try 'not' to think about them, the more you think about them, don't you?
So, how do you forget about pink elephants? Simple... Think about blue elephants. When you change your focus from pink elephants to blue elephants, the pink elephants disappear all by themselves, don't they? Thus...
Step #3
Focus your attention on the situation you want, not on the one you don't want.
There is a Creative Power within you that makes your life into the exact image of that to which you focus your attention. If you focus your attention on the situation you want, that's exactly what you'll have, the situation you want.
On the other hand, if you focus your attention on the situation you don't want, that's exactly what you'll have, the situation you 'don't' want. This is the way the Universe works!
So, rather than focus your attention on an undesirable situation you might find yourself in, focus your attention instead on a desirable situation you'd prefer.
For example, should you find yourself in an undesirable financial situation, ask yourself what it's opposite would be, what a desirable financial situation would be.
Then, imagine yourself as if you were already there, in that desirable financial situation and keep your attention focused there, on yourself in that desirable financial situation.
The moment you begin doing this you'll begin moving toward that desirable financial situation and that desirable financial situation will begin moving toward you. Also, at the same time, you'll find, as I have, that the undesirable financial situation will begin to clean itself up or disappear all by itself.
Well, there you have it... My simple three step formula for completely eliminating problems from your life. Don't let its simplicity deceive you. I can tell you from personal experience, the best strategies in life are always the simplest.
Step #1
Completely eliminate the word "problem" from your vocabulary.
The first step to completely eliminating problems from your life is to completely eliminate the word "problem" from your vocabulary.
The "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" defines the word problem as: "A thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand."
Thus, by its very definition, the word problem implies difficulty and, more often than not, is accompanied by all sorts of destructive emotions. Rather than call something a "problem", why not call it what it really is... A situation.
The "Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary" defines the word situation as: "All the circumstances and things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place."
That's exactly what a problem really is, isn't it?
A so-called problem is nothing more or less than a given set of circumstances and things that are happening at a particular time and in a particular place. What makes a situation a "problem" is the difficulty you assign to it. In other words, a problem isn't really a problem... It's a situation.
You make a situation a problem by how you label it! By simply re-labeling a problem as a situation and 'meaning' it, you remove the difficulty and destructive emotions associated with it and put yourself in the necessary state of mind to constructively deal with it. Once you've reduced a problem to what it really is - Just another situation in your life, You're ready for...
Step #2
Forget it. Don't talk about the situation, don't think about the situation... Forget it!
After lots of studying the writings of Wallace D. Wattles, I'm pretty much convinced "forget it" was Wallace D. Wattles' favourite phrase.
Throughout his writings, it's his answer to practically everything that "ails" you. In an article he wrote, titled "Talk That Builds Health", Wallace D. Wattles explains why: "When you forget it, it will be gone." That's exactly what happens too.
It's absolutely incredible just how much "stuff" in my life cleaned itself up or disappeared completely simply because I "forgot it".
Now... "Forget it" is easier said than done, isn't it? Trying to forget something is a bit like trying not to think about pink elephants, the more you try 'not' to think about them, the more you think about them, don't you?
So, how do you forget about pink elephants? Simple... Think about blue elephants. When you change your focus from pink elephants to blue elephants, the pink elephants disappear all by themselves, don't they? Thus...
Step #3
Focus your attention on the situation you want, not on the one you don't want.
There is a Creative Power within you that makes your life into the exact image of that to which you focus your attention. If you focus your attention on the situation you want, that's exactly what you'll have, the situation you want.
On the other hand, if you focus your attention on the situation you don't want, that's exactly what you'll have, the situation you 'don't' want. This is the way the Universe works!
So, rather than focus your attention on an undesirable situation you might find yourself in, focus your attention instead on a desirable situation you'd prefer.
For example, should you find yourself in an undesirable financial situation, ask yourself what it's opposite would be, what a desirable financial situation would be.
Then, imagine yourself as if you were already there, in that desirable financial situation and keep your attention focused there, on yourself in that desirable financial situation.
The moment you begin doing this you'll begin moving toward that desirable financial situation and that desirable financial situation will begin moving toward you. Also, at the same time, you'll find, as I have, that the undesirable financial situation will begin to clean itself up or disappear all by itself.
Well, there you have it... My simple three step formula for completely eliminating problems from your life. Don't let its simplicity deceive you. I can tell you from personal experience, the best strategies in life are always the simplest.
What great simple steps. My husband never uses the word "problem;" he always says "opportunity." Intentions are critical when we are creating or manifesting anything in our lives. Thank you for these wonderful reminders. I just wrote a post called "Creating with Intention" and would love your feedback. Blessings, Sherry