Living from Within

by Dorothy M Neddermeyer PhD -

Western society focuses on managing life based on education, logic, scientifically proven ideals, and history. Thus, children are conditioned, indoctrinated and instructed to manage life from that which is prescribed by scientific ideology and history.

The operative word, ‘from without,’ establishes a mind-set of being ‘without.’ Living life from within establishes a mind-set of going within, connecting to the core of your Being, and from this place activating the power within to reach your potential and goals in every area of your life.

What is within is greater than anything that is in the surroundings. 

What is within is greater than any circumstance in one’s life. What is within is greater than one’s history. 

One’s history does not decide one’s destiny unless one decides it does.

Living from within is about defining and embracing one’s true identity and letting go of fears and judgments of oneself and others. 

You need to recognize and express your Divine love and pure creative energy from Creation, which flows through your Being as you let go of frustration, confusion, doubt, and indecision. 

Determine and manifest your heart’s desires as you free yourself from controlling and suppressive ideas, conditions and indoctrinations.

Living from within is about connecting to the wave of the Breath of Life within Creation, an inherent birthright of your Being, which has become disconnected due to conditioning, indoctrination and instruction.

You came into this life with a purpose and a mission to discover what you need to re-remember, to re-discover and create joy of life – Joie de vivre. 

When you are disconnected from your Breath of Life (within), your focus moves into expressions and rhythms of disharmony from without…such as fear, judgment, worry, thoughts of lack, jealousy, etc.

To reverse the trend of disconnection you need to:
• Let go of fear.
• Trust your power within.
• Let go of judgment – discern what is in alignment with who you truly are.
• Empower yourself as you empower others, honoring your unique self and the uniqueness of others.
• Love yourself and others as you acknowledge and express your magnificence within and the magnificence within others.
In this reconnection to yourself within, who you truly are, your life is in balance.

Pause now. 

Remember:  What is within you is greater than anything that is in your surroundings. What is within you is greater than the circumstance of your life history. What is within you is greater than that which is without. 

Going within is the key to connecting with who you truly are.

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1 comment:

  1. Heya

    I'm not certain I agree.

    I think that there's a confusion in the spirituality movement between what triggers the enlightened state, and what deepens it.

    One of the critical problems with the unenlightened state is that you can't really trust your inner voice.

    This isn't for any spooky reason, it's just that the assumption of self (the core fiction of the unenlightened state) creates these feedback loops of thought which drag a person into chaos.

    What triggers the shift is simply the understanding that there is no you, in any sense of that word. There's no self at all. It just doesn't refer to anything.

    There's just the ongoing flow of life, of thoughts and being and feelings and perceptions and stuff - and one of those thoughts is the assumption that there is a 'self' outside of this flow that is the source of it, and it's audience.

    There is no source and there is no audience - not to reality itself, not to the actual present moment.

    The whole delusion of self, and thus all of the chaos of the human condition comes from the intersection of causality and reality.

    This is a bit of a mouthful, but all it means is that we look at things in terms of cause and effect.

    This is fine for normal day to day things - but when we come to look at reality itself, this ongoing moment of life, the present, the now, whatever you want to call it - we take that assumption with us.

    We assume that life as such has a cause. That the present moment as such has a cause.

    Of course it doesn't, in any normal way you might imagine that word - cause.

    There's nothing standing 1 second ago that made this second happen. They're all just part of the same unified flow.

    The same thing happens with 'effect'. We assume that there is something that is 'effected' by this moment - but of course there cannot be, for all things are contained within the single moment of reality we refer to as the 'now'.


    This 'cause' and this 'effect' to reality as such we think of as the 'self'.

    Enlightenment is nothing more, and nothing less than the recognition - not the understanding or the belief, mind, but the recognition - that in real life there actually is no you.

    All that means is that to trigger the permanent shift to the enlightened state you just need to answer on single question.

    Is this true?

    Not "is this good" or "should this be true" or "does this make sense" or "can this be true".

    All these are distractions, and you will hit them, mark my words.

    That one question though - is it true?

    Is it really true?

    Is there really no you?

    Look - it is very weird. It is a very strange thing to truly look for, and although it is actually quite straightforward in its own way, it is, by any stretch of the conventional imagination, very strange.

    Nonetheless - is it true?

    Is there really no you living life - just the flow of life?

    And not in some mystical or magical way - but literally.

    Literally. In real life. Is there really, actually, no you?

    Answer this one question for yourself, just once, and you'll see something you'll never unsee.

    And that is enlightenment.
