by Keith Varnum -
The question alone invites intrigue and wonder. There are no barriers to the expression of this energy and there are no limitations for it. The limitations are in your own mind and with practice you transcend these limitations.
The Matrix goes by many names.
The Morphogenic Unified Field. The space-time continuum. The Wave. Oneness. Grace. Home.
Some scientific. Some mystical. All magical!
Because the mere mention of the word opens doorways! Doorways that can’t be easily shut once cracked ajar. Not because you aren't able to re-seal the portal. You just don't want to.
Once someone's glimpsed the City of Light, you can't get 'em back to the farm! The game is too exciting. The adventure too electric. The journey too enticing.
The Matrix is the master blueprint of the Universe.
The energetic infrastructure of the world we live in.
Our human structures aren’t built with wood and nails. Our physical world is created with energy and beliefs. Condensed energy is the basic construction material. Our beliefs nail this energy in place. The result is the Matrix.
Find a way to enter the Matrix and you can re-construct your world!
Why would you want to do that?
Well, your daily existence may not be all that you want it to be. You might want more abundance, ease, health or joy in some aspect of your life.
How do you enter the Matrix to change your world?
This is the main purpose of all scientific and spiritual endeavor. This is the focus of every complex experiment and ancient ritual.
Cracking the entry code of the construction of the Universe is the goal of all modern technology and of all sacred tradition.
Cracking the entry code of the construction of the Universe is the goal of all modern technology and of all sacred tradition.
The scientist has found a break-in point via quantum physics! The mystic has discovered an entrance via deep meditation! And guess what, Dorothy? We aren’t in Kansas anymore!
These two vastly different approaches to the same goal bump into each other in the "middle distance." Strangers in the night. Lovers in the Light. What a surprise. Dare I say shock!
In fact, only recently have the two exploratory missions begun to recognize their similarities—in method and in result.
Time to Lift the Veil
We haven't recognized the common elements between the scientific and the spiritual methods because of the core secret nature of the Matrix itself.
The Matrix is veiled! Concealed. Hidden behind centuries of dusty and rusty beliefs!
A Matrix explorer has to see through the misleading surface appearance of the way the Matrix shows up in the explorer's world!
Once you can sense the true inner nature of life beneath the outer forms, you see the commonality of every effort to penetrate the Matrix.
You feel the unity of all approaches to understanding life. You realize the oneness of all attempts to find human happiness, health and harmony.
And you see that not only is everyone actually using the same fishing line, they’re catching the same fish! No matter how different the surface appearance of the catch.
You see all parties crossing the same finish line. No matter how distant the location in space.
You see that they all value the same bottom line. No matter how divergent their expression of success.
You see Einstein and the Elders eating the same bagel. A round symbol of the movement of all life. A representation of the essential nature of the Matrix. - A spiral of free-flowing energy!
Our intention to have a bagel focuses free-flowing life energy into condensed physical matter with the label "bagel."
The Key to Unlock Miracles
The key to merging with the Matrix is becoming fluid enough to flow into the Matrix energy field. Once there, your experience is transformed into whatever your current harmony is.
You can become this flexible and malleable by many means, modern and ancient. Your inner guidance or intuition, can lead you to the perfect portal for you!
A new very fast, sure and permanent way to enter the Matrix is via an approach called the "Matrix Energetics." process. (the way energy works in the Matrix) If you’d like to know more about this gateway, click here.

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