Entering Peak States of Consciousness

by DL Zeta -

There has been a great struggle throughout the history of humankind to find that which turns the key in the lock springing open the door that sets the spirit free.

Many practices have been put into place, much effort expended to journey within and without to this place where heaven joins Earth in eternal song.

In each generation, a small percentage of souls reach this place; some venture near enough to hear the music of the spheres, while others make it onto the path that leads to the way.

Shifting energies now open the way for many more to reach high vibrational states.

These shifts have been created in part by the repeated efforts of many souls over numerous cycles of incarnations anchoring light by increasing increments to the Earth plane. 

This expanding vibration of love has multiplied exponentially to open portals in consciousness that were not easily accessed in the past. 

These portals exist as latent possibilities waiting for consciousness to enter their frequency and gain access to greatly expanded inner dimensions. They are now wide open to those of you who have chosen to incarnate to this dimension as lightworkers. 

So it is that those of you who have spent endless hours attending workshops and engaging in spiritual practices to raise the vibration of your existence now possess possibilities that were not previously on the horizon of humankind.

Many of you have not yet recognized the exciting array of possibilities that are now "waiting in the wings," ready to be activated in your present reality. 

These portals offer greatly expanded opportunities for the growth of your consciousness. The highest of these possibilities are peak states of consciousness you are now able to enter.

By gaining awareness of these peak states and accessing them, you are able to take quantum leaps on your spiritual path.

Signposts of Peak Experiences

In the present moment, less than ten percent of those in your world have entered “peak" experiences even for brief periods.

When you stay in a peak experience for a prolonged period of time, this is a "peak state." A continuous peak state experience is a blissful and blessed state. In Earth’s future history, continuous peak states will be commonplace. We will describe here some of the signposts of a peak state experience.

During a peak experience, moments are experienced with a heightened sense of awareness and "aliveness." This sense of aliveness brings you into close communion with the life that is around you. 

You feel yourself surrounded by exceptional beauty. You experience a great emotional calm – a peace and lightness. Time slows down and falls away, allowing you to come into a very present state. 

In this space, spiritual truths are obvious. Your mind is still and silent. You don’t take on others' emotional distress. 

The past can be brought up without emotions; there is no lingering sense of trauma. You're not likely to abdicate your own knowing to experts and other authorities.

Fear doesn't exist within a peak state. Your perceptions are positive and peaceful, lit by the warm glow of underlying happiness.

There are many variations of what we are describing here. The important thing to understand is even those who have experienced great trauma and difficulty can enter peak states where troubled thoughts, emotions and perceptions are healed and dissolved. 

As you enter peak states of joy, bliss and unconditional love, all that is of lower resonance falls away, opening the door for further expansion into peak states of consciousness.

The New Earth

It is no longer necessary to struggle toward higher states of consciousness. The greatly expanded light on the Earth plane has opened many new portals to higher consciousness you may now enter through awareness, intention and allowing. 

You may enter expanded states at will by simply setting the intention to do so and surrendering to the highest vibration you are able to access. 

Even brief experiences of peak consciousness transforms your existence by bringing you into greater communion with your higher self and opening your mind to new possibilities.

One of the greatest breakthroughs of a heightened state of consciousness is the ability to perceive yourexistence across lifetimes - from the first flicker of life force within human form to the final dream of earthly existence.

The entire history of your soul can be viewed from this place. Within this high vibration, you are able to access and interact with any "you" that exists anywhere in time. 

By bringing your entire arc of lifetimes into your conscious mind, you magnetize to you the gifts and understandings you have acquired across all-time. 

The high perception of a peak state is like standing on one of the Earth's highest mountains, looking out over the world below.

It can be likened to entering a space where all time becomes one eternal flow -a fabric that can be accessed or observed at any point in its existence. 

From this mountaintop of peak experience, you are able to take any past event into your heart and transform it with the light of love and understanding.

You are able to view the threads of connection that exist between yourself and all others. You are able to clearly perceive the future, your spiritual progression, and the lessons that appear before you.

From this place of higher awareness, you can embrace all that is known and not yet known, and magnetize your deepest desires.

When you enter a peak state of consciousness, you are able to perceive any thought, belief, emotion or attitude that is not in resonance with the peak state. 

This begins a detoxing of consciousness that extends into all levels - physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. As you release old habits and beliefs, you begin to see your reality differently. In the blink of an eye, you view everything that is not aligned with your highest vision.

Healing all past hurts is not a prerequisite for entering peak states of consciousness. However, it is important to remain in the present moment as much as possible.

If your attention is constantly drawn into the pain of the past, you will not have the level of stillness and attention required to access heightened states.

Angelic Intervention and Pre-Ascension Lifetimes

It is important to free your past from moments of pain and distress. The willingness to love and assist a self that exists in a time when the light of understanding shines less bright allows you to expand your present-moment capacity for love and compassion. 

When you release trapped emotional energy, this energy is now free to travel into your present moment, greatly strengthening your spiritual purpose and focus. This is what you refer to as soul retrieval.

Understand that all moments exist simultaneously. 

The fact that you are no longer focused within a moment does not mean it ceases to exist. Each moment you have experienced is still very much alive within its own time space.

This is true of past moments from your present life as well as “past life” moments experienced in all other time periods, whether it is 100 B.C.,1250 A.D. or 1920 A.D. (If your consciousness is expanded sufficiently, you may also perceive future life time frames, which simultaneously exist within their own space as well.

When your consciousness evolves to the point that you are able to perceive past times and travel into them to assist past selves, you are entering a"pre-ascension" phase. 

We will speak more about this in a future discussion. It is enough to know for the moment that time travel in consciousness is possible. This is a form of what you call "angelic intervention." Such intervention is common in your world. 

Many instances of what you might consider angelic intervention are simply other aspects of a person's soul traveling in consciousness to bring assistance and healing. All advanced souls have this capability.

As you heal and release past emotional problems, a greater amount of your consciousness is free to enter peak states of consciousness.

As you enter peak states, you are able to further align with the light of spirit, bringing further healing to your "selves" across time.

Peak Experiences and Oneness

The light of peak experiences helps harmonize your consciousness by bringing all your inner aspects into oneness. This state of oneness is then extended to all others. As this crystalline clarity surrounds your consciousness, you see through the actions of others, and are able to view their true heart and desires. 

You may perceive that a person's authentic self lies hidden under a veneer of fear and misunderstanding.

When you respond to the truth of a person's heart instead of their outer armor, you open a space for them to step into this truth. In this way, you view all situations you encounter from a place of clarity and purpose and you respond from the depth of your spiritual understanding rather than superficial reactions.

By entering the Portal of Peak States of Consciousness, you are able to perceive your life and all the universe from a very high vibration that penetrates each second straight to the heart of love. 

From this place, you are able to see your entire arc of lifetimes -- past, present and future -- and assist and embrace the progression of your soul across time.

As you access this crystal-clear perception, every thought, belief and attitude that is not in harmony with your highest vision fades away. 

In this heightened state of aliveness, you transform the world around you as you move through it. Your greatest gifts to the New Earth are the gifts of your spiritual freedom and your highest vision.

Manifesting Your 5th Dimensional Reality

by Kate Spreckley - 

Many lightworkers today are questioning and experimenting with different manifestation tools and are learning to use the New Earth energies to manifest their hopes, dreams and wishes. 

Due to the latest stargate and the influx of Paradise energy, you are again learning new and exciting ways to manifest your realities. The higher consciousness of the dolphins and whales is working with you and helping you to access this higher consciousness and new energy in ways that are beneficial and helpful.

In simple terms, manifestation is taking energy from different dimensions or levels of consciousness and weaving this energy together by words, thoughts and practices. 

In order for you to create your manifestation you need to connect with the other energies that are working with you during this time. At present you are working with the Angelic Realms, the God and Goddess archetypes and the elemental energies.

These energies and your energies combined are extremely powerful in helping you to create and manifest your desired changes. 

Daily ritual is an important tool when it comes to manifestation and ritual and connecting with the different energies will help you to create you dreams.

The greatest key to effectively manifesting your dream is to believe in your own power and the power that you have to create positive, loving and abundant change in your life. 

Until you are able to reprogram your subconscious mind to believe, your manifestations will take longer to come into being. You have begun the process of healing and releasing and your energies now flow freely and the desired results and changes will happen faster.

One of the most important parts of manifestation comes when you have entered your heart and are living from this place of pure love and light

Once you have opened your heart centre fully the more involved you become in manifesting your desires. In living and creating from your heart centre you are better able to open the doors to your creative mind and subconscious. 

You begin to effectively bridge the creative right brain with the analytical left brain.

Due to your society and culture, the left brain has been dominant and generally in control. It is closely connected to the conscious mind and deals totally in reality. 

It is also the side of the brain that makes us feel guilty and critical of yourself and others.

The creative right brain pertains entirely to your imagination. It is artistic, visual and creative. The left and right brains need to be balanced as they help you to create and manifest in practical, imaginative and moral ways. 

The right side allows you to connect with the powerful belief that connects you to the different energies of the Angelic Realm, the God and Goddess Archetypes and the elementals. It is also this side of the brain that creates manifestations.

You have all worked extremely hard at eliminating old patterns and thought forms of failure, dissatisfaction and lack of belief in what cannot be seen and now it is time to connect and bridge the left and right brains so that they may work in tandem with each other to create and manifest your desires, wishes and dreams.

To create the bridge it is truly important to really think through your reasons, using your left brain, about what changes or desires you would like to manifest in your life. 

The energies at this time are extremely powerful and old saying “Be careful what you wish for” should really be adhered to. The human willpower is very real and powerful, but it is directed by the right brain imagination. 

The Universe does not consist of chance factors, but is an ordered system with correspondence in all things

Understanding this and working with these patterns will enable you to work with all the energies to create your desire, wish or dream.

The energies of the higher dimensions are there for humankind to use as a catalyst for raising consciousness. Working with these energies will bring about changes within your own environment and that of the collective consciousness. 

This is very obviously seen in the way that Lightworkers across the globe have managed to raise the collective consciousness as well as the consciousness of the planet itself. You have all become more aware and conscious of the realities that you are creating. 

We ask only that you continue to create and manifest your New Earth with love, light and laughter! Happy manifesting!

5 Simple Steps to Cultivate Consciousness

by Andrea Hess-

I am often asked what we can do to advance spiritually. But our Soul growth is not connected to what we do, but how we do it! The great enemy of spiritual growth is unconsciousness. 

Unconsciously, we merely react to our environment. By practicing conscious awareness, we are able to make the powerful choices that align with our highest good. 

Here are five simple habits to cultivate your consciousness:

1. Breathe.

It seems like such a simple thing, but nothing anchors us into the present more than a nice, deep breath. A breath can stop a frenzied thought pattern, and can create calm within a storm of emotion.

A conscious breath gives us an extended moment, a chance to make a choice or take action from a perspective of peace and centeredness.

2. Set your intentions. 

The 30 seconds after you silence your alarm clock is an excellent time to decide on how you would like your day to unfold. What we do is not nearly important as the underlying intentions that accompany our actions.

Who are you going to strive to be as you go about your business today? Is there something you'd like to master today? Is there a challenge you'd like to overcome? Is there something you'd like to remember to enjoy?

3. Ask for assistance. 

We are given so many spiritual resources, ready to support us and intercede on our behalf. All we have to do is ask!

Don't just pray on behalf of others - include yourself in your prayers. You will find that the act of asking for assistance crystallizes your intentions and brings a high degree of consciousness to the pursuit of your goals.

4. Send blessings. 

Did someone cut you off in traffic? Send them a blessing. Did you see an unhappy person today? Send them a blessing. Send blessings to those you love and to those that are challenging you.

Bless all your life circumstances, including the ones you'd like to change. A blessing acknowledges that all your experiences are an opportunity for growth and evolution. You'll be amazed at how powerfully your blessings can transform your life.

5. Open and receive. 

Many of us are so intent on service and giving. Remember, however, that whenever you receive, someone else has the opportunity to give.

Allow others to bless you with their gifts, just as you bless them with yours.

(c) by Andrea Hess - Intuitive Readings, Intuitive Life Coaching/Classes, Soul Realignment™/Practitioner Training

The Inner Purpose of Your Life’s Journey

by Eckhart Tolle

When you are on a journey, it is certainly helpful to know where you are going or at least the general direction in which you are moving but don’t forget: the only thing that is ultimately real about your journey is the step that you are taking at this moment.

That’s all there ever is.

Your life’s journey has an outer purpose and an inner purpose. 

The outer purpose is to arrive at your goal or destination, to accomplish what you set out to do, to achieve this or that, which of course, implies future. 

If your destination, or the steps you are going to take in the future, take up so much of your attention that they become more important to you than the step you are taking now, then you completely miss the journey’s inner purpose, which has nothing to do with where you are going or what you are doing, but everything to do with the quality of your consciousness at this moment.

The outer purpose belongs to the horizontal dimension of space and time; the inner purpose concerns a deepening of your Being in the vertical dimensions of the timeless Now. 

Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one; the step you are taking right now. 

As you become more deeply aware of this one step, you realize that is already contains within itself all the other steps as well as the destination.

This one step then becomes transformed into an expression of perfection, an act of great beauty and quality. 

It will have taken you into the Being, and the light of Being will shine through it. This is both the purpose and the fulfillment of your inner journey, the journey into yourself.

The Shadow Process

by Debbie Ford -

The Shadow Process gives us access to loving all of ourselves. This deep and profound work teaches us how to love each and every aspect of our humanity. 

It enables us to embrace both the darkness of our smallest self and the brilliant light of our highest self. 

Making peace with our dark side is a sacred journey. 

It demands rigorous honesty, courage and a great deal of compassion. Embracing our shadow delivers us emotional wholeness and the absolute freedom to be who we are. 

When we are filled with self-love and self-appreciation, we automatically attract the miraculous experience of love and appreciation from others.

What is the Shadow?

The shadow contains all the parts of ourselves that we try to hide, deny or suppress. It is the keeper of all the aspects of ourselves that we dislike and the qualities that we judge as unacceptable. 

The shadow wears many faces: angry, critical, fearful, lazy, controlling, selfish, weak, pathetic… These are the faces we don’t want to show the world and the faces we don’t want to show ourselves. 

Most of us expend huge amounts of energy trying to get rid of or control these unwanted aspects of ourselves. We hope that by hiding or fixing our "bad qualities" we will have the peace, success and happiness we desire. 

Most of us are convinced that we are flawed and inadequate so we become masters of disguise, and go to great lengths to hide our bad qualities from those around us – even from ourselves.

The result of turning our backs on our dark side? 

A life that slips by only half lived. Dreams that are never realized, or worse, that lay buried under years of resignation and shame. 

Until we make peace with our shadow we will continue to be at war with ourselves. And our outer world will mirror our inner struggle. 

What we resist persists – and we will create and attract from others that which we most dislike in ourselves. Until we feel authentic compassion for each and every aspect of ourselves, we will continue to draw forth people and events that will mirror the negative feelings we have about ourselves. 

Until we take back our power and forgive ourselves for being human we will attract people who push our buttons and reactivate our emotional wounds. 

Until we find the courage to love ourselves completely, we will never truly be able to experience the love from those around us. 

We don’t need to guess how we really feel about ourselves at the deepest level. All we have to do is look at how the outer world treats us. 

If we’re not getting the respect, love and appreciation we desire from the outer world, it’s more than likely we aren’t giving these things to ourselves. This is the benevolence of the Universe in action. 

The whole world is a mirror of our own consciousness, and when we make peace with the disowned aspects of ourselves, we make peace with the world.

Embracing The Shadow

The process of embracing our shadow side calls us to uncover the gifts and receive the wisdom hidden within each and every aspect of ourselves, particularly the ones that we are ashamed of or embarrassed by. 

Rather than viewing our weakness, our smallness, our insecurities or our rage as enemies or as obstacles to moving forward in our lives, this process guides us to embrace our so-called defects as the powerful teachers that they are. 

The Shadow Process is founded on the understanding that every quality, every emotion and every experience comes bearing great gifts. 

Once we learn how to uncover these gifts we become the powerful masters of our lives. We develop the ability to transform thoughts, beliefs or situations that once held us back into fuel for our spiritual evolution and the manifestation of our dreams. 

Embracing our shadow allows us to reclaim the power we once gave away. 

When we are at peace within ourselves, our self-esteem no longer depends on the approval of others. Our own sense of self-worth is no longer at the mercy of how other people feel about us. When we receive the gifts of our dark side, something truly miraculous occurs. 

Our wounds are transformed into wisdom and the parts of us we once believed to be our deepest flaws are revealed as our greatest assets.

Embracing our shadows is the ultimate act of self-love. 

There is no greater love than the one that allows us to shine a light on the aspects of ourselves that we have judged and made wrong. 

Embracing our dark side gives us a new found freedom to be with the darkness in others. For when I can love all of me, I will love all of you. 

Shadow work is the path of the heart warrior. It takes us to a new place where we can open our hearts to all of ourselves and all of humanity.

Shadow work is not about perfection; it’s about integration. 

It is the path of reclaiming each and every aspect of ourselves and discovering how that aspect can serve us. It requires us to look at our lives from the perspective that we have been given everything we need to fulfill our hearts’ desires. 

The greatest of these gifts lies hidden in our shadow. 

If we look for the gift of our weakness, we may find that it has actually given us strength or that it has allowed us to be supported by others. 

The gift of our fear might be our determination or our ability to set good boundaries. The gift of an upsetting situation is that it could lead us to read a life-changing book. 

The gifts of our pain are here for us to receive, but first we must be willing to look for them.

Each of us must make the conscious choice to step out of the belief that we are victims of our lives and open up to the possibility that we have created our particular circumstances for a reason. 

We must commit to looking at our lives as though each and every quality, person and circumstance has been drawn to us in order to give us specific insights and wisdom. 

This requires us to examine each aspect of ourselves and our lives and ask, "Why would I need this? How could this be a catalyst for me to grow and evolve? How could this quality or situation serve me in creating the life I desire?" 

Transformation requires nothing more than having a shift in perception. It is choosing to look at our lives in a way that empowers us rather than disempowers us. 

At its core, this process requires us to make the choice to see ourselves though the eyes of the Divine.

 I believe that the shadow is the greatest gift that God could give us. It is the teacher, the trainer and the guide that supports us in uncovering our true magnificence. 

The shadow is not a problem to be solved or an enemy to be conquered, but a fertile field to be cultivated. 

Dig your hands into its rich soil and you will discover the potent seeds of the person you most desire to be. Our most hated, feared or shamed qualities are the ones that hold the key to living the life of our dreams. 

What the Shadow Process provides is a way to love what we have feared, to decode the messages we receive from within and to unleash the power that is hidden within you.

Mysteries of the Universe

by Owen Waters -

The metaphysics of today is the physics of tomorrow. By studying spiritual metaphysics, you get a head start in understanding the mysteries of the universe.

For example, two hundred years ago, electricity was still a huge mystery. Back then, a few visionaries uncovered more and more information about the nature of electricity. 

Once it became possible to generate electricity, it powered the Industrial Revolution and then went on to produce the Electronics Era, which soon morphed into today's Information Revolution.

This enormous chain reaction of technological evolution was made possible by the original curiosity of just a handful of visionary mystics. 

Now, imagine what the mystic insights of today's world could do for tomorrow's world. For example, the next energy to be understood is etheric energy. A more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life.

The mastery of etheric energy will lead to far more wide-ranging advances than electricity ever did. Within etheric energy, lie the keys to powerful healing modalities, pollution-free energy, and many other valuable innovations.

Just the advent of abundant, inexpensive energy will transform the world, eliminating poverty and much of today's third world suffering.

Etheric energy is life energy. 

It is the energy that passes from spiritual healer to patient. It is the vitality or life force contained within air, water and food. It is the mystery energy which powers the endless orbit of electrons in their atoms and planets around their suns.

Etheric energy has been known by many other names - prana, life energy, vital life force, chi or qi, orgone, universal life force, odic force, cold electricity, tachyon energy; the list goes on.

Cosmologists - scientists who study the structure of the universe - are actually already on the trail of etheric energy. They have detected its presence in the cosmos through its gravitational side-effects, but they haven't been able to see it, so they call it 'dark energy.' 

The existence of dark energy - and its related dark matter - is one of the great, unanswered mysteries of science today. According to the observed movements of galaxies, it is calculated that 23% of the universe consists of dark matter and 73% of the universe consists of dark energy.

The universe, it would seem is filled with unseens. 

At least, to the limited capabilities of physical eyes. When a cosmologist stares at a clear, night sky, wondering where all the missing energy and matter is in the inky blackness of the depths of space, it would come as a surprise to them if they knew that a clairvoyant - a person who has developed the ability to see subtle energies - sees the same night sky very differently.

It may sound unconventional, even rebellious to tradition, to suggest that a scientist should ask a clairvoyant what they perceive but it has been done before and with breakthrough results. 

For example, in the mid 1800s, one of the top scientists of all time did exactly this. Carl von Reichenbach had heard that clairvoyants can see a subtle energy of which science was unaware. The fact that he, like most people, lacked clairvoyant vision did not deter him. Such a minor complication was not to be an obstacle to his curiosity and his desire to understand this new form of energy.

So, for his experiments, he hired a group of skilled clairvoyants to describe to him what they could see. He cataloged the appearance and behavior of etheric energy, which he called the 'odic force,' around substances such as magnets, crystals, wood and metals.

Today, a cosmologist could, if they dared to be that adventurous, ask a skilled clairvoyant what they see in the clear, night sky. The clairvoyant would report that they see the etheric energies that surge through the universe. 

To their subtle perception, etheric energy does not appear in the least bit dark. In fact, it glows brightly with the light of its own life energy. To them, the night sky is filled with a brilliant interplay of pure and magical, etheric light.

Etheric energy is one of the three fundamental types of energy in the universe. 

These three energies are electric, magnetic and etheric. Electric energy operates at a right angle to magnetic energy. The third energy of Creation, etheric energy, operates at yet another right angle to the other two.

Physical matter is made from electromagnetism, which is the interplay of electric and magnetic energies. Etheric matter is quasi-physical, i.e. solid only to the subtle senses and it is made from etheromagnetism, which is the interplay of etheric and magnetic energies.

Etheric energy and etheric matter are the missing components in today's cosmology. Etheric energy is the mysterious 'dark energy' and etheric matter is the mysterious 'dark matter.' 

Knowing that it can be seen by the subtle senses certainly makes it a more immediate candidate for study and research.

Just the fact that 'dark' or etheric energy reveals its presence through its gravitational effects implies that its understanding could lead to control over gravity, and the introduction of weightless, high-speed flying vehicles.

The possibilities for research into this fledgling field are almost unlimited. 

For example, many of Nikola Tesla's experiments involved a strange new form of energy that he called 'cold electricity.' When his experiments are reviewed in the light that cold electricity is none other than etheric energy, then they begin to make a lot more sense. 

Etheric energy is the third energy of Creation. It is not a form of electricity. Etheric energy and electric energy share the common bond of interacting with magnetic energy. They bring to life the magnetic fabric of space when they intertwine with it to invoke physical electromagnetic energy and quasi-physical etheromagnetic energy.

Spiritual metaphysics provides a head start in understanding the mysteries of the universe. 

The sooner today's scientists search within for understanding, the sooner the world will see them emerge as the modern-day visionaries of science.

When a deeper understanding of etheric energy is achieved, society will reap many benefits, ranging from powerful healing machines and precise weather control to clean, unlimited energy and travel to the stars.

The Long Road Home

by Karen Bishop -

Where in the heck is all that abundance, those big waves of light, joy, peace, and everything else that is supposed to have arrived. What has happened now?

Are things ever going to change? When is my ship going to come in? I’m sorry I ever dared to hope that the tide would ever turn! Every time I get my hopes up, they seem to get dashed by yet more unpleasantness and disappointments!”

“I absolutely have no more left to give. My gas tank is empty, my battery is dead, and I am overdone waiting to receive. I can no longer serve, care, or even wade through masses of red tape, processes, or hoops to jump through in order to get anywhere! I need help!

I can’t do this on my own anymore! I am wiped out, burnt out and exhausted, and now I am even getting cynical, angry, frustrated, impatient, edgy, grumpy, and even a bit depressed…even to the point where I have become darn right apathetic. 

I cannot go on like this for one more day! I have been stretched to the limit, and there is nothing more left that can stretch…this is just too much, especially after all I endured. I want to go home now…”

If you have had any of these thoughts of late, you are not alone.

The energies are building up and setting up and this is causing pressure, blow ups, and huge bottlenecks that can make one feel claustrophobic, trapped with nowhere to go, stressed, pressured, edgy, and very irritable. And in addition, physical pressure can be felt as well in ways relating to being bloated, having sinus pressure, intestinal distress, indigestion, and nausea.

We are under a pressure cooker now with these built up energies all around and manifestations of this pressure are abounding. Here in the US news, there have been many mass shootings, screaming matches, accusations, and temper tirades; all symptoms of this building pressure.

During these surges of higher energy, I usually receive a barrage of attacking and hostile e-mails and letters from readers, and this time was no exception.

The opening has not yet been completely cleared for our mass entrance to the higher realms, and we are thus being compressed and piled up at the entrance.

Higher vibrating energies have been held back from their true and rightful place for awhile longer, and it can feel downright uncomfortable indeed. Some have reached the turning point and are more than ready, and others are still aligning.

Has there just been too much challenge for our spirits to endure?

Will we be able to recover? Is it too late? 

When the new and the great entrance to a higher vibrating reality is finally and completely opened, will we even care? Have we given up? Is this current wait we are experiencing just too much to endure?

Well, here’s the scoop. As is usually the case, we are once again giving as many as possible plenty of time to arrive in their new higher vibrating spaces.

We always want to embrace as much of the whole as possible, especially when this latest and impending leap is going to be such a huge one. In this regard, things are still being aligned (for me personally, I am oh so grateful as Phil and I would never have been able to re-unite!).

We will be ever so thankful that we have waited. 

Waiting will affect much, as it will allow so many more of our brothers and sisters to be with us. Yes, there have been pivotal points along the way….planetary alignments and such which have served to strengthen and assist with this massive aligning process. 

Each new stepping stone is vitally needed, as each earmark serves to strengthen and support the process.

Underdogs are beginning to rise to the surface and reign because they are more aligned now with the higher energies, and the old or familiar “household” energies are being usurped as these alignments progress (unless, of course, they change as well and become aligned themselves).

Energies which have long been overlooked are now getting their due attention. And this means that lightworkers, or those carrying the light, will finally get their due or in other words, their time has finally come.

For our time to come, we need to really be clear about what it is that we truly want…what we want from the deepest parts of our souls and from our heart of hearts, because we will most assuredly receive it. Not necessarily what we “think” is possible, but what it is that we really and truly want…or what is the most in alignment with our true and authentic selves. 

The highest vibrating parts of ourselves are what are aligning now in a very natural and vitally important way.
  • Are we willing to let go of how we used to vibrate? 
  • Are we willing to let go of who we thought we were? 
  • Are we willing to let go of the aspects of ourselves that we needed in order to survive in the old world? 
  •  Is it finally safe for our original innocence to come out? 
  • Can we go back to the pure and sensitive souls that we once were in our early childhood?
In the arriving higher realms we most certainly can. 

Once we are aligned here, it can be darn right difficult to have to go back to the old reality where we were in charge, where we had to monitor things, where we had to protect ourselves, and where we had to be vigilant. In the higher realms we are aligned with and wired for the paradise energy.

This is why we can no longer make things happen ourselves, why we are exhausted from doing it all, and why we are so ready to receive and even retire.

We are ready to receive now because in the higher realms reality, this is how it is. Things simply fall into our laps, we need not do anything to get anything, and so forth.

In addition, our relationships are much more about companionship and joy, with no corresponding issues. Just fun, laughter, peace, and bushels of love! We are currently manifesting some of these things in bits and pieces, but once the gates open all the way, we will be flooded with the new reality of the higher realms.

How long will this re-aligning process continue? Personally, I do not know…and this is the beauty of it.

At our soul levels, we continue to have “meetings,” always concurring as a group with the plan and how it should best unfold. And because of this, the grand plan is always open for change, surprises, and never ending miracles! 

When enough have been given the opportunity to “choose” or to align, and consequently done so, then a shift in energy or an energy “break” will occur, and the gates to heaven will open, releasing the bottleneck we are now feeling as many who are now ready are being jammed up at the gate….and darn right frustrated! 

It is always best to have these pivotal moments coincide with planetary alignments or celestial events, as they greatly serve to support or carry these energies through. They are great vehicles indeed.

It can be frustrating and strange feeling that the “new” is perhaps not yet here. And we are craving the new as we are now aligned with it.

We cannot go back…it can feel downright awful when we have to engage in or still be a part of the old. Feelings of depression can result, as we may feel stuck, disappointed, held back, in the wrong place, or perhaps even tired of waiting and we may not even know why we are so crabby, weary, or deflated!

We have waited a very long time for this very new beginning and in order to do it right and with integrity, and assure that as many are on board as possible, we must wait a bit longer. We will be oh so glad that we did!

Wishing you heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Transcending The Duality Paradigm

by David Nova - 

Our mental states of duality serve to divide us, from our true selves and from each other. Transcending these paradigms is the purpose of our ascension.

Duality exists in nearly every aspect of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual existence. We have day and night, light and dark, sun and moon, proton and electron, matter and energy – all examples of natural duality.

We are born male and female, with two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears and two nostrils. Even our brains are divided into hemispheres, left and right, one side generally considered analytical and the other creative.

For the most part, we are programmed to prejudge all things in creation as either good or bad, better or worse, desired or undesired, depending upon our individual or cultural perspective.

Though such obvious examples of duality appear self-apparent, we often overlook how systems of duality subtly control and manipulate us.

Humanity has created many systems of duality for itself, artificial divisions created in the mind – conservative and liberal, Republican and Democrat, West and East, capitalism and communism, religious and secular, winners and losers, normal and deviant.

We categorize ourselves with labels to identify and separate ourselves – the preoccupation of the ego. We often feel better about ourselves by thinking less of others.

Such belief systems might lead us to experience states of emotional duality, such as love and hate, happiness and sorrow, contentment and resentment, hope and fear.

We value and encourage the positive states of duality while rejecting and suppressing the negative ones.

However, this practice creates an imbalance, causing us to reject the emotional parts within ourselves that we dislike. Then these feelings externalize, creating a circuit. perpetuating this duality.


We live within a dualistic Universe, and some sources claim that this third density version of Earth is the most polarized expression of that duality.

Our hidden so-called rulers did not create this duality. They simply manipulate the system that is already present, playing on our hopes, our beliefs, our fears and prejudices, fostering these artificial divisions – all for the purpose of steering us along a desired road, to solidify external systems of power and control.

Instead of appreciating the attributes we share in common, as human beings, as energetic beings of spirit having a human experience, we often focus on the things that make us different – the color of our skin, how much money we have, our political views, our sexuality, our religion.

We segregate ourselves. We apply labels. We make judgments. We assign stereotypes. We discriminate.

These divisions only serve to imprison us in opposing camps, us vs. them, much like the feuding families in Shakespeare’s tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet,” the Montagues and the Capulets.

Systems of duality create tension, friction, hostility, aggression, conflict, and perpetual war. An everlasting peace will never emerge from our current internal paradigm. Peace is incompatible with our illusions of duality. Yet we can peacefully coexist within a dualistic Universe by healing and transcending the divisions within ourselves.


The story of humanity falling into duality goes all the way back to the Garden of Eden.

As the tale goes, Adam and Eve were tempted to eat the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and thus they learned the truth about Good and Evil.

Until that fateful event, they existed in a state of innocence, as animals or small children exist without ego, unconscious of themselves.

Personally, I believe the Eden story is merely allegorical, that it conveys a larger spiritual and/or psychological truth.

In metaphysical terms, this transition of consciousness would be described as second density ascending into third density. Some have speculated that there may have been some extraterrestrial or extra-dimensional assistance involved with this transition.

In my metaphysical series, “Season of the Serpent,” I explore the nature of duality using fiction to illustrate a grander expression of the Eden story.

In these novels, the wars of Earth have been manipulated by multi-dimensional extraterrestrials on the Astral Plane.

In turn, these beings are themselves manipulated by two primal forces of consciousness masquerading as divinity, as divine representatives of good and evil, the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos.
 "Together they created and maintained the physical Universe —a perpetually unfolding, multi-dimensional manifestation of living consciousness. All life was inexplicably held together by the tension of their cosmic tug-of-war. 
Matter and anti-matter, proton and electron, illumination and darkness—for every force in the Universe there was an equal and opposite reaction, a system of duality held in balance. The manifest Universe would not exist, sentient life could not exist without their polarity principle. Yet life caught in polarity was in perpetual conflict, colliding and repelling, constantly at war with itself." --Season of the Serpent: Book One
“If you had no fear, you would have no evil,” the other replied. “If you had no ego, nothing would be perceived as being good or bad. All would be perceived as being necessary to learn. You would realize that there is no death, therefore nothing is ever lost. 
“This is the mystery you relearn again and again, trying to understand your true nature. How can you experience healing if there is no sickness? How can you experience compassion if there is no cruelty? How can you experience reunion if there is no separation? 
You create this duality in order to define yourself. Unfortunately, the evil you perceive has become necessary to awaken you. Will you awaken from fear or surrender to it? This is the question the Universe asks and the answer you seek.” --Season of the Serpent: Book Two
These learned concepts of good and evil create the sub-concepts of sin, separation, judgment, and guilt. One man’s “good” is another man’s “evil.” One nation’s just war is another nation’s genocide.

Generally, good and evil are cultural constructs. Slavery is a cultural construct, and many generations considered slavery a necessary and justified institution despite the objections of their slaves.

However, it is merely a limitation of our consciousness, a handicap that we cling to because we cannot see beyond our own limitations, our narrow minded perspective. 
In our fallen state, this third density Earth exists in a trap of perpetual duality.

We cannot perceive the unity of all consciousness, or the constant energetic flow that passes between us. 

We are connected by our very thoughts, yet we believe our thoughts are our own, privately locked away inside our heads.

We are alone. We are lonely. We feel separate and incomplete.

Our ego is constantly telling us that we are better or worse than everyone else.

Yet we have the power to climb out of this illusion, out of our minds, out of our preconceptions and misconceptions, out of the limitations of duality.

Duality is our grade school teacher. Duality allows us the opportunity of appreciating light because we are in darkness. Duality encourages our consciousness to expand.

It forces our spiritual growth. This world, this playground would not exist without the forces of duality in play, and we would be formless and changeless without this experience.


In his article, The Meaning of ‘Beyond Duality,’ Dr. Noel Huntley describes duality as;
“two states, two poles, both of which arise from a division of unity. 
"Eastern philosophy, in particular Buddhism, recognizes the dual nature of material reality and that enlightenment is a non-dual state. The yin/yang of Eastern philosophy is an expression of the duality. We might see what is meant by the Buddhist’s statement the middle way, or moderation in all things… the oscillation in the duality is balanced—not biased on one side or the other. 
However, to the degree that one is operating at this midpoint, one ascends the gradient 3D to 4D, eventually rising above the dualities into higher frequencies and integration. At this enlightened level one perceives both sides of any interaction or communicating system." --Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
Eventually, we all must graduate from the classroom of duality. We do this by accepting what is. We do this by internally releasing our swords, by turning the warring left and right hands of duality into partners with a handshake.

We do this by appreciating the difficult lessons we came here to learn. We do this by recognizing that all of us are one – there are no illusory opposing sides in higher consciousness. We are one being of universal creation with the power to recreate our own world.

We do this by realizing that achieving world peace means achieving oneness – common purpose and collective goals.

There are no shortcuts. There is no technology, no financial reset, no external solutions that will make us release our separateness.

Only by giving up our separateness will we begin to share our technology freely, allow free energy, allow financial freedom and shared abundance.

The cart cannot be put in front of the horse. The horse must pull the cart. The transformation must begin within, only then will it bloom externally.

NOTE: A wonderful example of releasing our separateness is the Fix The World Project’s campaign to open source the QEG (quantum energy generator.)
"Within New-Age material these two different dualities, vertical and horizontal, are not at all clearly defined. The term duality is used indiscriminately. However, vertical and horizontal are not independent. One may picture a ‘vertical’ oscillation from 4D to 3D but, simultaneously, as the swing descends into 3D, it divides and oscillates ‘horizontally’. 
It is one whole, though. This configuration, two poles on the same level then a third one ‘above’ the other two (diagrammatically forming a triangle) but located in inner and higher space is a basic element for all structuring. The two 3D poles require the third one ‘above’ for their existence and integration." --Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
Positive + Negative = Neutrality
Male + Female = Divine Union
Order + Chaos = Synchronicity

The triangle is a sacred form because it illustrates this principle of integration – the integration of dualities, rising to a new higher vibration of consciousness. The ascension process requires the integration of our various internal dualities.

The darkness uses an inversion or a perversion, of this process, a synthesis to create a lower vibration of fear.

Problem + Reaction = Solution = A New Order out of Chaos


Without this awakening, this inner graduation, systems of duality will continue to control and manipulate our lives.

We are stuck in grade school/high school with the playground bullies making our lives miserable.

Let us consider the duality, evil/receivers of evil. … From the higher perspective both sides are perceived simultaneously—each side, perpetrator/victim requires the other for balance.

This may be hard to believe but again it is physics and not so different from phase-conjugation of energy and time, etc. in quantum mechanics.

External balance will be sought, but internal balance and unity of the two poles, present in both parties, must be achieved to remove the evil (and also the victim role).
"Remember, the two poles, if they come together, disappear and are replaced by higher-dimensional unity. … This doesn’t necessarily mean evil and receivers come together to form unity… 
When the internal condition is balanced, the external negative behaviour disappears—is no longer part of the person’s reality."  --Noel Huntley, Ph.D.
This is a difficult concept for many people to grasp. The emotional duality that results from trauma and victimization often makes a detached, objective perspective nearly impossible.

This is why trauma and victimization are such powerful tools for the darkness. They fracture our holistic thinking. They reinforce the duality systems that manipulate and enslave us. Our media reinforces this paradigm daily.


Thus our instinct is to require punishment for the villain and justice for the victim.

However, this mentality is just another form of self-perpetuating duality. The Universe gives us this desired duality in the form of Karma.

Karma has us replaying the roles of victim and villain again and again.

Each one of us, in a past life, may have played the villain, perhaps requiring us to return in another life to play the victim, to balance the psychic energy within this Matrix system.

Imagine that you are playing a rather violent video game. You are stuck at a certain level, unable to progress.

You are killed every time you make a wrong move, yet you return to the same point in the game.

You are forced to complete the level, not because you are being punished by some insane game master, but because you the human player not your Avatar, has chosen to master this task and complete the game.

Likewise does your soul choose to return again and again to master the duality game.

The goal of Ascension is to learn our soul lessons, transcend these illusory dualities, and balance our Karmic debt, removing the need for duality, allowing us to step out of the game.

We accomplish this through acceptance, forgiveness, and gratitude. In the higher densities, there is no longer any need to continue playing villains and victims.


Our systems of duality have been constructed to manipulate our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions. Darkness uses duality to keep us divided, at war with ourselves and with others.

We are better controlled that way. But when we shine with light and truth, we work to dissolve our illusory divisions, we dissolve the duality, and we become one people united in purpose and vision.

All this is as easy or as difficult as changing the way we think, changing our thoughts, our beliefs about the world we live in.

It’s a process, learning to see ourselves as all the same, as connected, as part of something much larger than ourselves, opening up to the knowledge that the Universe is a living breathing being of consciousness – which is us.

When we heal the duality within ourselves, we heal the duality in the Universe around us as well. The internal change eventually becomes externalized.

About Author: David Nova is the author of the metaphysical fiction series “Season of the Serpent.” He is is a truth-seeker, a Wanderer and the blogger Deus Nexus. For additional information about the author or his novels, visit his website.

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