by Guy Finley -
Enjoy Being Exactly Who You Are!
What makes you a unique human being is found in your relationship with life -- and not in the degree to which you struggle to get others to perceive you as being unique.
Allow Your Individuality to Blossom and Flourish Exclusively for You.
The chief cause of why our lives so often wind up in the hands of others is not that they are superior or that the world is too strong for us but that we don't want to face the uncertainty and aloneness we think we are too weak to bear.
The conscious refusal to go along with what your weakness wants you to do to escape its uncertainty is what invokes and finally delivers real inner confidence. This new kind of strength gradually becomes the cornerstone of a true individual existence -- the life you've always wanted.
The conscious refusal to go along with what your weakness wants you to do to escape its uncertainty is what invokes and finally delivers real inner confidence. This new kind of strength gradually becomes the cornerstone of a true individual existence -- the life you've always wanted.
If you will stay in the middle of this struggle for true self-possession, not asserting your individuality but allowing it to blossom and to flourish -- bearing what you must bear by refusing to submit yourself to negative, self-betraying influences -- you will come to know the highest approval that life can award: reality itself will approve you.
Here's one last thought to help you better see the need to have your own life! The more approval you get, the more you have to have.
Thank you for the post that provoked deep thoughts. As I live wth the disabilities (am the dependent on my family), it wasn't easy to enjoy my being. Yet the comprehension of the above was the beneficial - it humbled me and showed the key that was lying outside my door... My call for help was answered by God's Love. Now I see my "dependance" as the blessing - as the sign of God's daily care with us. The comprehension of that sacred fellowship enabled me to recognize oneself in other and thus to exchange the boasting for some personal achievements into the gratitude for being alive.