Protesting the World's Injustices

protesting photo: Protesting Toto Constant Picture1.png

by Ann Albers -

Years ago in my thirties when I was complaining about "God sending me" (in other words me attracting) two boyfriends in a row that easily took advantage of me and were abusive," the angels lovingly pointed out that my tendency to martyr myself was a perfect fit for a sociopath to find a way into my life!

We fit together like a hand and glove. I kept giving. They kept taking. I was willing to be abused while trying harder to be loved, they were willing to not try at all and to dump on me. Our lessons were a perfect marriage!

Only when I started loving myself and treating myself with respect did I attract the absolutely amazing people that are in my life now. 

 Likewise when I was willing to work 90 hour weeks in my past life as an engineer, the corporation was more than willing to let me. A friend who was not willing to do so, kept attracting better and higher paying consulting jobs. She knew she deserved it.

We really do find each other to learn what we need!

After years of working with angels I truly know they love everyone, no matter what. They certainly do not say everyone's behaviors are loving but they do love all souls.

They see all souls as simply trying, to the best of their ability, to find God's love, whether they do so in a way that is evolved or completely ignorant. 

 They love the protestors and the bankers, the victims and the perpetrators and they are more than willing to point out the lessons for all involved.

As a result of the angels' teaching, I have changed over the years. I no longer feel I must set my soul aside for love or money. It took time to learn to treat myself better. The changes do not happen overnight.

In the case of my career it took a few years to bring changes about. In the case of relationships I put myself through a decade of tough lessons!

 If you start treating yourself with more respect, then the world starts to show it.

If you start to pray for a job that honors your soul, the ideas will start to come. If you treat yourself with greater kindness, you will walk away when others do not.

As I watch the news, I feel somewhat detached from all the unrest in the world. The greed in the world does indeed affect me - my utility bills were so insanely high this summer that I nearly passed out after opening one particularly large bill.

I took a few breaths and asked the angels to put me back into a higher truth, and then or course truth hit me again - either I give the world my power, or I give it to God. I chose God. "Hey God," you've got some big bills. Tell me what to do next.

Either I need to make more or get this utility bill down. My water heater promptly broke because the heating coil was coated with barnacle looking things caused by hard water.

It was inconvenient but a huge energy drain was revealed! I had to get a water softener to prevent this from being a persistent problem. That cost more money but the company let me make payments and in the long run I'll have good water, better skin, less home maintenance and lower electric bills because the water heater will work.

God can handle all your problems if you just pray and believe.

If you are called to protest, do so with love and with a desire to open up a humane and loving dialogue.

But if you protest from a place of feeling that your lack is caused by others' greed, you give others all your power and energetically you negate the very thing you are trying to achieve.

It is hard to take responsibility for our own lives but in the end, that is where we find the truth and the love of God.

In this space, you have earned the right to speak up about the world's injustices, because in this loving space, you are simply wanting all souls involved to know that there can be solutions that honor everyone's needs... for that is the truth in God's reality.

The movement the angels wish to create upon the earth is simple - "Occupy your own life!" 

Fill your life with the love of your own spirit. Share your gifts and talents with the world.

Speak your truth but do so from a place of love. 

If all of us could do that we would no longer support greed, injustice, etc. We would be living in a heaven on earth. It may be a far goal but certainly one worth reaching for.

Message from the Angels

Here in the heavens we are heartened to see so many of you expressing yourselves in the world. And yet as much as we love those raising their voices in protest, so too we love the bankers. As much as we love those who feel themselves to be victims, so too we love those who are perceived to be perpetrators. 

For here in the heavens, we know that all souls, regardless of evolution or behavior are God's children and are deserving of God's love.

While we honor and love all souls who are listening to their desire to speak up and express discontent with unkind treatment in the world, we also know that without souls willing to identify with victimhood or martyrdom, there would be no support for perpetrators. 

Without souls willing to identify with lack, there would be no support for greed. Without souls willing to give away their power, either consciously or unconsciously, there would be no support for those wanting to take it.

So if you speak up – either within your own life or within the world – speak from a place of knowing you and all those with whom you interact deserve kind treatment. 

Anything less you have received or shared has simply been a misunderstanding within your own soul. 


Speak from a Place of Love

 If you speak up, speak from a place of love, knowing all souls are simply trying to learn, including those who embrace lack as well as those who embrace greed - for indeed those are simply opposite sides of the coin of misunderstanding the abundance of God. 

When you speak up, come from an understanding that you have the abundance of God's love within you in infinite supply. 

When you come from this love, act from this love, embody this love, then the forces of darkness and ignorance will have no more power over you, for you will no longer be supporting them in your own lives.

Far more important than occupying establishments, locations or situations is whether or not you choose to occupy your own life and whether or not your soul's desires are allowed to be made manifest through your thoughts, words and deeds. 

If you try to change the world without first changing your disempowering patterns and beliefs, you are missing the point of your existence. 

Each of you came to earth to dissolve the illusion that you are separate from the love of God. 

As you watch the unrest in the world, pray for both "sides." 

Pray for the ones you agree with as well as the ones with whom you find fault. But more importantly, treat yourself with kindness, dignity and respect.

Focus on creating positive movement in your own life first. 

 Speak from love. Act from love. Be love. 

Then, from this place of love by all means voice your concerns and desires for change. 

Remember, however, change begins from the inside out and if you want to change the world, start first by changing the world within.
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