Becoming Love

by Janice Chrysler -

A simple touch, a gentle kiss, a warm embrace, sitting silently while holding someone’s hand or a loving smile from across the room can all bring peace and calm to a troubled stranger or friend.

Just think of when you were a child and how magical it felt to have someone kiss away your “boo-boos” after you had fallen and hurt yourself.

Anyone who has had pets can relate to their instinct in knowing when to come and curl up on your lap or lay beside your bed when you are not feeling well. 

Love, whether it comes from another person or animal can bring balance and healing into our lives faster than any medicine or ritual. 

Oh, but let’s not forget the love sent to us through nature! Can anything be more calming than an orange and purple sunset as it casts its reflection upon a glass-topped lake? Or sitting under countless stars on a full moon lit night?

It is all too easy to by pass the simple things in our lives and brush off the necessity for the feeling of connection with one another, the universe, nature and the Divine. 

 Isn’t it easier just to make the excuse that you don’t have the time, energy or money to reach out and touch someone, take a walk or to pray? After all, wouldn’t it be safer not to love in order not to feel rejection or hurt feeling? But in reality, what are you really saving? In fact, you are depriving yourself of the very thing you came to this earth to experience – the joy of life itself!

Take a moment and look around you. 

Really look at the people you meet, the buildings you pass on your way to work, the colors of the leaves of the trees or hear the laughter of the children playing in the yards.

When was the last time you read the name tag the check out girl in the grocery store was wearing and then took the time to call her by name? How many times have you passed an elderly person who was sitting alone on a bench, not even taking the time to send a smile their way? 

Those people you pass and choose to ignore may be going through something upsetting in their lives and your kind word could make all the difference in their day or even their life.

Random acts of kindness are not things you should have to think about and plan but rather come naturally to you throughout the day.

So I challenge you during the course of the next month, make it a point to do give something to everyone you meet, give something back to the earth and make a point to put aside time for your connection with Spirit. No money needs to be spent and very little time will be taken from your day. 

Passing along a smile, encouraging words, or even silently sending another love and positive energy can all be done so easily

 Thinking about the products you purchase and their effect upon our earth, going for a walk, breathing in the fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sun upon your skin are simple ways to give thanks to this planet and the universe.

Above all, allow yourself a few minutes each day for solitude and meditation because it is during these moments of silence that you find your inner peace and connection to Spirit. 

Here in this time where you “just be” you will experience the oneness with everything and find yourself being rejuvenated and your love replenished a hundredfold.

What are you waiting for? 

Close your eyes, breath deeply, exhale slowly and allow the love of the world around you and the unconditional love sent from Spirit to completely envelope you.

Now imagine sending that love to all the people you have crossed paths with today…. whether you know them or not, like them or not and regardless of what they did or did not do towards you today.

Send this same feeling of love to all of nature and the universe as it too must heal and grow through our positive thoughts and actions. Now, wasn’t that easy? 

You have just taken the first step to truly becoming love and opening yourself up to receive the many blessings you too deserve.

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