Emotional Acceptance

by Jennifer Hoffman -

You understand the concept of acceptance in spirit, where you allow each person to be in their own energetic vibration and know that each one is vibrating at their highest potential in each moment. 

It is necessary to bring this understanding to the level of the emotions for this is where the energy becomes stuck and is unable to move. 

The emotional attachments you have to outcomes, to others, to beliefs and to desires is what requires release to bring you into harmony with the spiritual growth that you achieve through your healing work.

The emotional energy of the earth experience is dense and fear-based and it is the density of this energy that allows it to collect in multiple layers in your consciousness. 

Each emotional experience has an energetic imprint that becomes encoded in your DNA and can be released through your healing work.

 It is this imprint that feeds your desire for closure, restitution, resolution and an outcome that responds to your expectations. Embedded in this imprint is lifetimes of emotional experiences that form the layers of your emotional body.

Emotional acceptance occurs when you honor the emotional energies that you and others carry and allow them to be transmuted through the removal of judgment and expectations. 

This removes the imprint and all of its lower vibrational energies, as well as your attachment to it. Without the imprint you are able to be in acceptance of all emotional energies, yours and those in your soul group. 

You remove the connections to your expectations and allow yourself the freedom to accept others' choices of emotions as theirs, without being connected to them.

Your emotions are never bad or wrong, they are simply your representation of the earth's energies as you experience them through your emotional body. 

Accept these energies as a physical experience of your soul's journey and become the observer. Each person has chosen to heal a specific emotional vibration that they must experience. Learn acceptance and you can resist the urge for attachment, to change them and transform their emotions. 

The lesson of releasing attachments is one that all of humanity is learning and with it comes the release of the density of the emotional energies and the opening for the higher level energies that come with acceptance in all things and freedom from fear.

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