I Am Filled

“No longer will I go for my good, carrying only a dipper to be filled. This day, I turn to the Power within, I bring 'all the empty vessels' knowing they will be filled and my abundance will become manifest.” --Ernest Holmes

Spirit always IS; therefore I know I must BE. As an individualized manifestation of all that is how could I not be? I know my breath is the breath of God. 
My heart beats in unison with the one heart.  
When I look out through the eyes of God I see God looking back at me. 
When I listen I hear the voice, the songs, the symphony of God all around me. 
I know that the power and presence of God is always within me.
Today I know that any obstructions in my life are simply made manifest from beliefs that keep me separate. 
I choose to take those spots that are separate and allow the essence that is God to fill up those empty areas with feelings of absolute connection.  
I consciously release my fears, my doubts and firmly plant my beliefs in faith knowing there is only One Infinite Source. 
I know that life is filled with grace and ease and flow when I live from a place of love and peace and patience. 
I know that I choose my thoughts, ideas and feelings which then manifest into my life as my reality. 
I am awake and aware of my connection to Source and choose knowing God is my only supply. 
I know that fear is only an obstruction that stands between me and my good. 
I am grateful for knowing that God is therefore I am. 
I release these words into the law knowing it is already so. 
I let go and I let God and so it is.

--Gayle Dillon

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