Human Evolution; What's Next?

by Edmund Bourne, PhD -

A New Way of Looking at the World:

The Universe is Conscious on All Levels. Consciousness is not confined to the minds of humans and animals. Anything that maintains itself as an organized whole is conscious.

Organs and cells within the body are conscious. Even atoms and molecules are conscious. So are solar systems and galaxies.

Does that mean they have minds and thoughts like we do? Probably not. Consciousness is understood as an intrinsic property of the universe capable of being self-organizing, self-maintaining, and resistant to entropy (entropy is a general tendency in the universe for things to move from order to disorder).

There are not two worlds—an objective world of science and a subjective, personal world grasped by religion, art, and the humanities.

There is only one world or universe that can only be fully grasped by both science and spirituality—both the physical senses and intuition. To separate them is an artificial distinction we humans make based on the dubious assumption that only empirical knowledge of the senses (scientific knowledge) is valid.
If there is only one universe that has both an outer, objective and an inner, spiritual aspect— and if it’s conscious on all levels— then we come to see it as much more than a neutral, purposeless object for scientific investigation. We come to look at our earth and the universe at large as a conscious, living being, something we regard with reverence and awe. We treat the environment as a matrix that supports and nurtures us—not as a commodity to be exploited for profit.

A New Way of Looking at Ourselves:

Each of us is connected with the consciousness of collective humanity and the Cosmos at large. "To thine own self be true" means to align yourself with these larger fields of consciousness.

Being true to your deepest, innermost self is to align with intentions that lie beyond your personal ego. These intentions reside in your soul.

Your soul, in turn, connects with the collective consciousness of humanity and ultimately the universe at large. The more you act from your soul (instead of your ego), the more you begin to express purposes and intentions larger than yourself. Although this idea may seem radical, it is not a new idea. The old way of saying it is "to do the Will of God."
There is more to life than ego. If the deepest intentions of our soul reflect the intelligence of collective humanity and the cosmos at large, then each of us will —sooner or later— feel “called” to do something more than just fulfill our personal ego needs.

Each of us has a personal mission or “calling” —perhaps several—where we give back and contribute to something or someone beyond ourselves. It doesn’t matter how large or small this is. Doing a menial job well could be what we have to contribute. It is the quality of consciousness, the spirit of giving, that we bring to our mission, that counts.

A New Way of Looking at Each Other

All minds are ultimately One. This is reflected in the saying, popular since the sixties: "We are all one."

At depth, our seemingly separate minds are simply different aspects of the same universal consciousness. Thus we are deeply interdependent, more than our conscious egos recognize. 

So much so that our consciousness is influenced by the consciousness of those we care about and love, no matter how far apart we are in space. 

When a loved one far away feels joy or sorrow, we register it somewhere in our psyches, even if we do not recognize it consciously. Everyday happenings illustrate our interconnectedness. 

We may find ourselves thinking about a friend, and then suddenly they call us. We may feel sad for no obvious reason, and then find out later that someone dear to us had a bad experience around the time we felt sad. 

In short, we are not isolated, autonomous units. Each of our minds is a node in an interdependent network of many other minds, some of which we may not even know, and perhaps some of which may not even be embodied.
The realization that we are—in truth—all one as a common humanity helps to erode the barriers our egos create to separate ourselves from others: racial, religious, ethnic, national, gender, age, and so on. 

Beneath the surface we are ultimately the same in our basic needs and aspirations.

The Golden Rule:
“Do Unto Others as You Would Have Them Do Unto Yourself” not just a lofty moral injunction, it reflects the actual structure of reality (all seeming separate minds are aspects of a common consciousness).

1 comment:

  1. The earth is a fading star, which is logical, as beneath us is molten lava. And as a star, it might have been as hot as the sun in its early life, and as such, would it have contained water, as logic says it would not have, as do you think there is water within the sun!

    So with this premise in mind, it is logical to think that our water came on a comet, and as the earth was soft with lava, it swallowed this up, leaving the water to cool the surface of the planet into a crust, or deeper crust! And was the steam off this water what formed the ozone, containing the right ingrediants for such an occurence!

    Haley's comet has ice on it!

    A nice article that was pleasurable to read. Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
