The Law of Vibration

by Dr. Carolyn White -

Creating Positive Energy:

You live in a sea of energy—the Universal Energy Field (UEF). Quantum physics refers to this field of possibilities as the “Quantum Soup.”

Ancients called this life-force energy “chi” or “qi.” Western mystics talked about Cosmic Consciousness, Infinite Spirit and “The All.” Contemporary philosophers discuss the “Divine Matrix of Creation.”

No matter what you call it, energy is energy and it is the “stuff” of the Universe. Energy is neither good nor bad—it just “is.” Energy only realizes its potential when in motion.

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.” 
– Third Law of Hermetic Wisdom

The Law of Vibration is an ancient concept that forms the basis for many contemporary scientific observations and theories. Everything that exists in the universe has its own natural frequency of vibration. Light, heat, magnetism, and electricity all exist because of vibration.

According to John W. Keely’s first law of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, published in 1893, vibration is the beginning of all matter.

The frequency of the vibration determines its form—the lower the frequency, the more physically dense the form. A form that is more refined and subtle has a higher or faster vibratory rate. If you change the frequency of the vibration, you will alter the form.

Thoughts are powerful. 

Created by conscious, cognitive processes, your thoughts focus this life force energy. Each thought carries a form. Whatever you think, you transmit that vibratory frequency. If you want to create positive energy, then what thoughts do you think?

Dr. David R. Hawkins, MD, PhD developed a “map” of the levels of human consciousness (also called the Scale of Consciousness) that uses a muscle-testing technique called Applied Kinesiology (AK).

Muscle testing uses your body’s muscles to give a “true/false” reading. In AK, a muscle that tests strong equals a “true” reading whereas a muscle that tests weak indicates a “false.” AK presupposes that your body intrinsically “knows” what is beneficial for you as well as harmful.

Through calibration with AK, you can figure out what is “good” and “true” for your well-being as well as what can be detrimental (false) for you.

In his doctoral dissertation, Dr. Hawkins researched and documented the nonlinear, spiritual realm. His dissertation, titled “Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis and Calibrations of the Level of Human Consciousness,” is an elaborate discussion of the Scale of Consciousness and its significance. 

He outlines his scientifically validated work in his groundbreaking book, Power vs. Force: The Anatomy of Consciousness (Veritas Publishing, 1995). 

Each level of consciousness (LOC) coincides with definable human behaviors and perceptions about life and God/Spirit. Each level represents a corresponding attractor field of varying strength that exists beyond the three-dimensional reality. 

Dr. Hawkins determined that each LOC has a critical point to which its defined field entrains. The numbers on Dr. Hawkins’ scale represent calibrations of measurable vibratory frequencies of the levels of human consciousness and its corresponding level of reality.

By testing the participants using AK, Dr. Hawkins determined that all tested weak when exposed to the behaviors list below 200. To varying degrees, all participants tested strong to those behaviors calibrated about 200. If you want to create positive energy, then align your thoughts and actions with those behaviors above 200.
“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” --Lao Tzu

Expressing kindness is probably one of the best ways to get your mojo working in a positive direction. Kindness is a virtue honored by many cultures and ethical systems. Underlying this behavior is an altruistic concern for others, as true giving expects no return.

Research demonstrates that an act of kindness not only benefits the receiver, it physically uplifts the giver via “feel good” neurotransmitters released in the brain. That is if only you don’t “keep score.”

It takes courage to step out of you comfort zone and commit random acts of kindness. 

You need to have a non-judgmental, neutral mindset plus a willingness to accept the other for who they are.

Want to practice random acts of kindness? 

You can use your thoughts to radiate kindness to others without physically doing something for the other. Just by broadcasting positive thoughts, you can perhaps make someone’s present moment more joyful.
“You are like a candle. Imagine you are sending light out all around you. All your words, thoughts and actions are going in many directions. If you think something kind, your kind words go in many directions, and you yourself go with them.” --Thich Nhat Hanh
Create energy packets of Good Vibrations—and send them to a random individual.

When you first do this exercise, start in familiar surroundings, i.e. your workplace, a social gathering or in one of your favorite hangouts.

Using your intuition, notice one person in your immediate area. You might observe that they are waiting in line, maybe look tired, bored or a bit frustrated. 

Do the following:

Look at the person with positive neutrality. Quickly, find one feature about this person that you like or find agreeable. This can be anything from a pleasing smile to an attractive pair of glasses. It can be a physical feature or part of their attire. 

No matter how insignificant, discover one aspect of the individual that is positive in your world. If finding a positive attribute is a challenge, then move on to another person.

When you found that one thing, use your words to create a well-formed, positive thought about the person. “She has a friendly smile.” “What a great pair of glasses!” Phrase this thought as if you were delivering a sincere complement.

As you look at that person, think your well-formed positive thought. Staring isn’t appropriate. A glance will suffice. Keep thinking that thought. Acknowledge that person with a smile. There – your packet of Good Vibrations just delivered a random act of kindness.

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